Strange Dreams Pt. 2

Depuis le début

Her attention shifted, then, caught and held by something he could not see. She moved toward it, whatever it was, this time at a slightly faster pace.

He watched her movements carefully, eyes glued to her, not wanting to miss a thing.

She suddenly came to a stop in front of another flower. It was different from the rest only in the way that it seemingly lacked color, while the other ones around her seemed to glow.

She bent down to touch it, and as she did, the color slowly leached out of the bouquet in her arms and into the flower in front of her, turning its petals a deep crimson.

His attention was stolen by a strange movement just beyond her.

His heart began to race as he watched the storm, originally on the opposite side of the city, racing towards the girl with the flowers.
His eyes darted back to her, but she didn't seem to notice or pay it any attention. She was just staring down at her wrist, unaware of the giant black clouds coming straight for her.

If she didn't move, she'd be swallowed by the storm.

He jumped up and down, waving his arm to get her attention.


His voice came out louder than he thought, shattering the initial silence and shooting out over the city.

He barely had time to register as something small and red shot at him from out of the crowd. He looked at his hand, bewildered, to see a thin red string tied around the wrist of his waving arm, one end leading back into the crowd where it came from.
He tried tugging at it, but it didn't budge, staying firmly knotted to him.

He looked up again to see the girl's position unchanged.
The storm was much closer now, gaining more ground each second.

Panic filled him at the sight of her just standing there in the face of the roiling clouds and bright lightning.


He tried again, this time making his voice as loud as it would go.

It worked, he saw, as she turned in his direction. But she continued to stay still, and now her back was towards what he was trying to warn her away from.

He was too far away to see her face, but he could see the frustration in the set of her body as she tugged at something on her hand.

The red string! It must be connected to her too!
In a desperate attempt to save her, he yanked on his end of the string with all his might, praying that it wouldn't just snap.

He watched as she stumbled forward, towards the sidewalk and away from the storm. Strangely, the dark clouds seemed to slow down slightly as she got closer to him.

But she was still moving too slowly.

He was running out of ideas. He needed to get down to her, quickly.

By some miracle, the wind which had been circling him up until that point decided it would help him, and it lifted him up once again, this time bringing him down from the rooftop and into the crowded city below.

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