Unpredictable Irises

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Everyone had a mark.
There had never been any exceptions, although it was never guaranteed that you'd actually meet your soulmate.

Her mark was a small, jet black triangle, inked onto her collarbone.

And everyone's bond was unique, both while apart and once bonded. Some were more common than others, and some were one of a kind.

But hers? Hers was so freaking annoying.

Like, who the hell dyed their hair a new color every week?
And whoever it was chose the most unnatural colors as well.
Bright pink, silver, mint, orange... basically every color that would be deemed unnatural if they were the color of someone's irises.
Which, for her, they were.

Every time her soulmate dyed their hair, her eyes would change color to match.

It wasn't a particularly rare bond, but it wasn't exactly common, either.
And so the strange colors of her eyes always drew uncomfortable stares, and she hated it. She even wore brown colored contact lenses now, not because she had bad eyesight (although she did), but because she couldn't stand the stares.

At this point, it no longer surprised her when she woke up in the morning, walked into her bathroom, and saw that her eyes had turned a new and alarmingly unnatural color.
She'd almost turned it into a guessing game, trying to predict what crazy shade she'd see in the mirror when she looked.

She almost never got it right.

The first time it had happened, though, she'd screamed so loud that her roommate had come running in, thinking she had hurt herself somehow.
When her roommate had seen the bright orange color of her eyes, she'd been just as freaked out.

As months went by, and the changes kept happening more frequently, she got more and more annoyed, until she made a spur-of-the-moment decision and dyed her own hair the most obnoxious shade of blue she could just as a way to get back at them.

It wasn't until later that it occurred to her that her soulmate's eye color could be a natural blue, and that she might not have made any truly obvious change to them.
That frustrated her, because dying your whole head of hair was expensive, and harmful to the hair as well.
So she decided to just let it grow out, until the blue was gone, and she began to wear the brown contacts.

She'd gotten to the point where she hoped she never met her soulmate, for their sake, because she wasn't entirely sure she'd be able to stop herself from strangling them just for the sheer amount of stress they put her through every time they dyed their hair.

Like now, at half-past midnight, when she was supposed to be studying but couldn't because her eyes had started watering like they only did when they were changing color.
Usually, the change happened when she was asleep, so she didn't feel anything and was left to discover it the next morning, but it had happened while she'd been awake before.

When it had first happened, she'd thought she was having an allergic reaction to the strawberries she'd been eating, which only made her cry harder, because she thought she'd just die if she couldn't eat strawberries again for the rest of her life.
But then, when she'd gotten home and taken her lenses out, she noticed her purple irises, which had been a soft blue earlier that morning.

She didn't want to admit it, but she liked the purple.
It made her look magic. :)

But as much as she generally disliked the type of bond she shared with her soulmate, she was glad it wasn't worse.

Some soulmates could read each other's mind, or share dreams, which she thought was just creepy and a complete invasion of privacy.
Some soulmates knew each other's location down to the exact latitude and longitude, which frankly was terrifying and stalkerish.
And some soulmates shared each other's emotions and physical pain to the point where they always felt what the other was feeling.

She probably liked that one the least.

She wanted her emotions and thoughts to be her own, to belong wholly to her, and the pain? She wouldn't want her soulmate to feel hers, and she didn't really want to feel theirs either.

So she disliked her soulmate bond.
She was constantly annoyed with it, and wished that whoever they were would just stop dying their god-damned hair, but she didn't hate it, and on some level, she was glad it was what it was.

Hi there!
This is my first Wattpad story, and I'm always looking to improve, so please don't be shy to leave some constructive criticism for me!
I hope you enjoy it!! :)

Bright Eyes and Hair DyeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora