I wiped my sleepy face and looked straight into his eyes. I didn't want him to feel bad, I was worried as well. "Well, Pastor is fine." I tapped his tensed shoulders. "Whatever it is, by the grace of God, I'm sure he'll fix it."

His face brightened. A smile magically appeared on his face. "Thank you for listening."
I turned to Isaiah with a smile, "Thank you for caring about my father enough to inform me."

  He gave me a nod and off he went.

      The young ministers team comprised of five young men and two ladies. Their ages ranged from eighteen to twenty five years old. Introductions were made and the tour began.

As we moved from auditorium C to the next conference hall, the chatted among themselves, most of them focused on their devices, paying me no attention.
We navigated through the offices in the main church building, to the counselling rooms, then to the overflow centers.

The pastors living quarters stood next to the minstrels building. We left that place and moved to the bible college, the secondary and primary schools and to the day care center.
I pointed at the hospital noting their reluctance. The restaurants and the farms caught their attention, followed by the huge library at the center of the campus.
Nobody was interested to go into the mall. I heaved a sighed of relief. I was already tired, plus I was fasting.

     After  the tour, we all returned to where we started. Auditorium C. One of their youngest, led us in very powerful worship which soon transcended into full powerful worship session.

It was supper intense, the prayer missiles among them began to manifest their gifts.
Those with gift of prophecy felt as though the portals to a higher spiritual dimensions were open, they were seeing our spiritual progress in real time.

         It was at this point that it dawned on me that the tour meant nothing to them. This was what they really came for.
Those who have been limited and measured spiritually, saw their pipe  unclogged. Re-dedication was occurring by the seconds and spiritual ordination began to locate the qualified.

These intercessors began to function on another level of supernatural  frequency that I had never seen.

      During our fireside conversation turned emergency revival meeting,  It felt as though we were in the upper room when the holy ghost came on us afresh.
It was so extreme that I couldn't stand on my feet. Tears couldn't stop flowing from my ears and my body couldn't keep still.

Manifestations of the spirit of God was so strong that it produced encounters too real to be explained.  Every realm we wanted to attain was made accessible right there.
I had never felt this intense spiritual fortification. It blew my mind and spirit, that this kind of prayer power existed.

Everyone of us were drunk in the spirit. So drunk, we stayed under the weight of the glory of God till the next day. Thankfully, nobody tried to stop or detract us. By morning, people were still slain in the spirit.

         It was 8am when I came to. I found myself at the corner of the room. The rest were still in the floor, except one of them who had gotten up and gone back into praying. I left them there and went to my office to freshen up for the day.

When I returned, they were all up, except the two guys who were in the prophetic. They wobbled when we tried to  get them up. Walking was not an option for them, so we laid them back down.

They were left  in my care and the others went to freshen up at the hostel. We placed ourselves on a fast for seven days.
This kind of cooperate anointing couldn't be wasted.

       My Dad's tall figure came into view and soured my mood a little. He walked into the room with his hands in his pockets. His head nodded as he scanned the entire auditorium.

      "Good morning Dad." I said with a slight bow.

      "Good morning to you too. You didn't come home last night?"  he asked. Leaning himself on the wall close to the window while looking out.

      "I had this meeting with the ministers, remember?" I explained, glancing at the scripture in my hand.

     "Yes, yes, I remember. But that's not enough reason not to come home. We were pretty worried. " His tone was void of concern.

       "You knew that I'll always be in church, there's no other place I'd rather be. "I retorted, wishing him away. I didn't want any offence in my spirit right now.

Walking to the end of the hall from where I sat, he scanned the room before he spoke.

"Your mother made a nice dinner for you, but you disappointed her with your absence." 
My head shook in suspicion. "A dinner of formal initiation?" I muttered in my head. "God forbid!"

His eyes flashed in my direction, inquisitively.  "Urm, What was that?" 
I just stared back at him expression less.

         I knew my Dad. Matter of fact, my entire family  and even his deliverance team could read thoughts. But never my own.
It was a puzzle my father had tried to figure out,  but came up even more confused. He couldn't have read me, could he?

My brain scrambled for an answer. Silently, I covered myself with the blood of Jesus.

        "What was what?" I responded seeking to throw him off my thoughts.

         "Oh my! What do we have here?" He asked, making reference to the two guys still sprawled on the floor.

        "Oh no! Don't touch them Dad! They are still under power!" I cautioned, walking over to where he stood.

        "What power?" He scoffed. His color shimmering again.

        "Common Dad, this is not a new thing in this church. We believe in the sovereign power of the Holy spirit. He works as he pleases him. You know the answer to the question you sarcastically ask." I retorted.

     He moved again to touch them, this time I didn't stop him. As his hand made contact with their skin, he fell over, on the floor, still as if he was dead. My eyes rolled in head briefly as I quietly went back to studying the scriptures. 

Minutes later, I heard someone calling for my help. I knew it was my father.

    "Help me get up Jacob" He yelled.

I stood there watching his strength fail him. His inability to stand on his two feet amused me, but I laughed in my head.
When the guys on the floor stirred, I quickly offered a hand of help to my father as I pulled him up.

   I held him till he found his footing. He ran his hand over  his suit that was now wrinkled, and walked out of the room not uttering another word.

     The two guys were up now, the rest of the team had rejoined us. I directed the two guys to go freshen up in my office. When they returned, we had a round table discussion about our experiences from the previous night.

I listened with rapt attention on how young people were sacrificing their time and life for Jesus.  I then realized, I had limited God's abilities in my own little mind.

UNWITTING VESSELS  (sequel To Vessels Unknown)Where stories live. Discover now