"Where are you going?" A man asked, blocking my way to the river of light where others were rushing to.

I shoved him aside and continued to make my way to the river. He stopped me again, this blocking me with a huge plank. My hand moved to back hand him but he voted and forced my hand to hit the plank instead.

I winced and shot him a raging look. "Get out of my way!"

His head shook in defiance. "No! You will not drink of that river of light."

I shot him a piercing gaze. "Says who?"

          "Says him." I followed the length of his finger pointed at another man who sat on the beach, unperturbed.

My gaze shifted to focus on the plank man. "Don't know him, so I don't care!. Get out of my way!" Before he could figure out a retort, I pushed him down and raced toward the sparkling ocean of light.
         Strong hands pulled me back, forcing my knees to hit the floor. When my gaze lifted to see who it was, the man seating by the beach glanced at me meaningfully.

            "Why?" I grumbled.

             "Because I need you!"

I hauled myself off the white beach sands. "But I don't know you." I argued, dusting off the sand on my body.

          "Lets go sit on that bench." He pointed to his previous position. I regarded him for a while before I gave my verdict. "No!"

But he blocked me again when I made run. "Don't go in there. Not all that glitter is gold."
I scowled. "Even if its sand, let me partake of it regardless."

       He raised his hands and moved out of my way. "Foolish people always argue with wisdom."

I stood there, watching him as he walked away, away from the screaming people running to the river of light. My body moved me again towards the river. My gaze widened when I saw lighting take everyone who had drank from that river. Then I woke.

         "Someone cannot hear word in this house? Imagine An old man screaming like a child! What is your problem sef?" Nara barged into the bedroom with my youngest daughter.
         "Ah....Ah....My enemies are at work o!" She moved closer to me, still crying.

            "What is it?" I asked, still not understanding what was going on.
She rubbed her eyes and adjusted her wrapper. "Your body. Who did you fight?"

My hands slowly ran down my body, before I could bring down my eyes to see what she had seen. There were two bloody cane marks on my torso and another on my left arm.

          " Jesus!" I screamed, jumping out of the bed.

Nara was still crying, my other children ran into the room with confusion on their faces.

           "What is it?" Jela asked, moving closer to me to examine the gaping marks. "This one looks like what 'ojuju' would give.

         "Ta! Shut up! Don't come and be spewing negativity in my house!" Nara's thunderous voice inhibited Jela from saying more.

Pointing at me, "I warned that your waka waka was getting too much. You disappear and don't come back home. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better if you still had that cancer, at least I didn't have to worry about your waka waka problem."

          "May the gods use your eyes for kolanut! Nonsense!" I yelled.

She didn't respond, plus, I got Jela giving her the 'You crossed the line' look.

        "Lets look at that wound. It looks really bad." I let her drag me to the backyard where she cultivated different kinds of herbs. After squeezing the water out she applied it to the wound.

       "I know you won't tell me whom you went to fight in your dreams. But please, don't go there again."

I winced as she filled the wound with the herbs while muttering some unknown incantations. I would never really understand whom I got married to. Whether a native doctor, Medical doctor or even a wrestler, It was still a mystery.  It was certain, I'd never really know who Nara is.

        The TV screen showed his face as he jumped and danced to the background church music. His deliverance meeting was being held in Enugu and broadcasted through major media networks.
I watched as thousands sat under his ministrations. He gave prophecies, made prophetic declarations.

Even the miracles were numerous as the lame, blind, crippled were all healed. I yelped even when a dead man rose to his feet.

           "Haba na! This one is a lie o!" My voice screamed at the TV.

I got up from my couch and wiped the screen to make sure I was seeing correctly. All television stations were showing the same thing.

       "A dead man, alive? Is this a joke?" It was Nara who spoke from behind me. I was as dumbfounded as she was.

         "It's not a joke," I started to say but she cut me off. "I'll never trust all these new generation pastors."

My eyes rolled in my head rebutting the effect her words gave me.

         "Native doctor!" I retorted.

She scoffed. "I am not ashamed of who I am. Who are you again?" She snarled. "Drop out Pastor!"

I ignored those words, I knew what she wanted but I was not going to give her that. I'd had enough fight to last me a life time.

        Soon the reason for our little quarrel was over and everyone went about their business.
But that night, like king Ahasuerus in the book of Esther, I couldn't sleep.

How could Adrian? A boy that served under me be this powerful? How?" I asked the ceiling as it stared blankly at me.
Nara stirred and I covered my mouth with my palm.

           "Mtcheew! " She hissed. "Stay there and be salivating over another person's wealth." She turned the other way, "Better go and take back what's rightfully yours."

I glared at her closed eyes and moving lips disgustedly. How could I forget a witch slept in my bed.

UNWITTING VESSELS  (sequel To Vessels Unknown)Where stories live. Discover now