When These Walls Come Tumbling Down

896 23 3

Warning: mentions of blood & death, drug intake

The action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.

[Name]'s heart was beating out of her chest,

Vi was shaking,

She'd bled out a ton already. She was growing nauseous.

She could hardly stand, [Name] had been making up for her stumbling this whole time.

"Silco's goons aren't far behind." Caitlyn spoke up, "We have to keep moving."

They'd followed them from the club.

"Stop talking." [Name] responded, she glanced over at Caitlyn's expression, she'd fallen silent. "You're stressing me out." [Name] clarified.

Caitlyn nodded quietly, well now she felt bad.

Vi didn't know how much longer she could keep moving for.

The purple light of the underground's water tower illuminated [Name]'s features.

She was sweating, & visibly panicking.

"What the hell is that?" Vi questioned.

"The sign?" [Name] responded quietly.

"Never mind," Vi shook her head, "just help me to the edge."

Things looked so much different.

[Name] nodded quietly.

She knew how this would end, but what else could they do?

She stared down at the tower's support beams, her hand shifted from Vi's shoulder to her waist, almost as a prevention of her doing anything stupid.

The neon light hummed quietly besides the trio.

Vi lightly shoved [Name] off of her, as [Name]'s eyes widened, "Vi—"

& like that, always having to disregard any piece of advice a person handed her.

She didn't change a bit.

Caitlyn watched through widened eyes, listening to the thuds of Vi's body against the beams.

"Shit," [Name] hissed,

"Should we—" Caitlyn began, only to be interrupted by [Name] herself jumping down onto the beams.

The tower shook against the duo's recklessness.


Definitely Vi's mother.

[Name] watched as Vi tumbled down onto the stone bottom, as she sighed, landing on her feet. "Dumbass," she mumbled, "are you okay?"

Vi nodded quietly. "I'm just gonna lay here for a second."

[Name] furrowed her eyebrows, pushing down Vi's hand against the wound.

When she pulled back her hand, the pressure stuck, she mimicked her mothers movements.

Caitlyn stood quietly from above, staring through nervous eyes. "Shit, no,"

[Name] glanced up, finding Caitlyn wavering from above. "Just jump!" She called up.


"Jump & I'll catch you."

"Bullshit! You'll let me hit the bottom!"

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