Happy Progress Day!

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Warning- mentions of blood, death, guns, mature content(sex n stuff??), brief slut-shaming, drug mention
I just wanna put out there that I never said [Name] was gonna be a morally good person just because she's the main character☠️

A/N can someone please tell me if they can find Scar's age because I wrote out this whole relationship thing but if he's like not even remotely around [Name]'s age (late 40s??? Idk around whatever ages Vander/Silco are) then I'm gonna lose it, it's not even that important of a relationship theres like zero chemistry either I was fr just bored w his character

a person or thing that brings bad luck.
"one was never to wish luck to someone going hunting or fishing, as it was seen as a jinx"

{Play Just a Waste - Summervibes}

"Do you have aspirin?"

"Cabinet to the left."

She slid her legs off of the side of the bed, as the other man rolled over, his arms wrapped around the striped pillow below his head.

Her goosebumps lined her borderline-bare ass, & her chest was visible under her bar brand shirt.

She yawned, her head was pounding.

She glanced back at the ashtray by her beside, staring at the numerous, burnt out cigarettes from the night before. As well as the half-empty glasses on the nightstand.

She stepped over wadded up clothes, yawning as she flicked the bathroom light open.

She stared at herself in the reflection, she looked like shit. Her cheeks were bloated, & her throat was scratchy with morning dryness.

She opened the cabinet, pulling the small bottle off of its shelf.

She poured a tablet into her hand, turning the sink on as she cupped water in her hands.

She swallowed the tablet, before splashing the cold water on her face.

She was hungover.

The sudden sound of loud crying erupted through the quiet room.

As the man, still in bed, called out from his warm sheets. "Babys crying."

She sighed, dragging her hands down her face.

Her toothbrush rested between her lips, as she nodded, rushing out of the bathroom. "Yeah, I can hear her." She retorted, muffled.

She trotted across the dark room, making her way over to the small crib by the window.

She scooped the child up, holding her above her shoulder with one arm.

The other grabbed a pair of shorts off of the dresser, "She's probably hungry." [Name] mumbled.

She didn't gain a response to the other man, resulting in her kicking the post of the bed. "Scar," she called out.

Scar was a vastaya, one of the older firelights. He had giant ears, indigo skin. He also had a young daughter. [Name] looked after her a lot. The mother had left a while back.

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