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There's no way this is fucking happening. 

You hold your face in your hands as your mind starts racing.

There's gotta be something I can do.  This can't be real.

A scraping noise interrupts your panic as a tray of food appeared on the floor by the door, phasing through the metal. You creep over to it and as you stoop down to pick up the tray, hear the patter of footsteps walking away from the door.

You gingerly raise the tray and place it on the table, examining its contents. The plate is full of several kinds of food including meat, vegetables, and more. Slices of steaming bread sit above it and a chalice holds a deep red liquid. It's all impressively plated and the smell makes your mouth water. How long has it been since you had least eaten?

For a moment you worry about the food's safety but your hunger quickly wins. You figure if Loki wanted you dead he could have done so easily before. He seems... eager to keep you around.

You give in and begin eating, at first checking each piece carefully but eventually accepting it's safe. You didn't remember ever eating food that good before- but that could be due to how long it had been since your last meal.

When you finish eating you examine the dishes and cutlery, and slip your fork up your sleeve. It isn't much, but it's better than nothing. Maybe if you have time later you can sharpen the tongs to do some real damage.

You sit there for a while, trying to figure out what to do and how to escape, but your mind is preoccupied with your predicament. Out of all your near-captures and defeats, the stakes have never been this high. You have no idea what this Loki guy is capable of- he's a newcomer to the public eye and you have little to no intel about him, his weaknesses, or anything.

You also can't figure out where you are. The rooms you are occupying at the moment have no windows, being illuminated by what looks like fluorescent strip lamps high above you, so you could quite literally be anywhere right now. You can't tell what kind of threats are waiting beyond that door or how realistic the idea of escape even is.

You lose track of how much time passes while you wrack your brain, but the grinding of the door and you jump to your feet. Loki enters the room and shuts the door behind himself.

"I trust the food provided was sufficient."

"Fuck you and your food, dude." You watch every move he makes carefully, watching for any threat.

Loki sighs and waves a hand toward the tray. It disappears in a puff of green smoke, but you can feel that the fork you stored up your sleeve remains.

"Now, it's time you earn the hospitality you've been provided with here."

Your body tenses up at his words and you clench the fork in your hand.

"I-I'll scream." The words are meaningless and you know it.

"Go right ahead." Loki sneers at you. "No help will come."

You back up and run into the table. You eye the chair and move to grab it when Loki waves his hand at you, green energy shooting out and surrounding you.

All the muscles in your legs go limp, sending you to the floor painfully. Your eyes dart around, trying to track Loki's movements as he approaches you.

You press against the floor in an attempt to get up but can only get so far as to kneel.

Loki towers over you. "This will be your first lesson, my pet." He dips his head down to your ear, his whispers stinging like venom.

"Fuck you."

You grab ahold of his leg and try to stab the fork into his calf but he's- well, godly- fast, kicking your hands away and wrenching the fork away from you.

"You little wretch, didn't I tell you that you couldn't-"

You feel the hold on your legs lessen slightly and with a huge effort, you manage to pull yourself up to your feet. Loki throws the fork away and focuses back on you, rage filling his eyes. He reaches out toward you and forces you back down to your knees with his power. You fight against every inch, struggling to get up and maintain eye contact with your captor. If you were going down, you sure as hell would make it as difficult as possible.

"Kneel before me." Loki is fuming and your heart races. He could probably kill you in less than a second but your defiance wins out against your better judgment to keep fighting him.

"I said... KNEEL!" Loki grits his teeth and he slaps you across the face. You nearly fall over from the impact alone and grab at your stinging cheek.

Green energy shoots out from his clenched palms focusing on you and forces you back to your knees finally.

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state?" He laughs. "It's the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled!"

You scoff, still struggling against his magic. "You have a really fucked view of humanity if that's what you really think about us- and I sure as hell am not going to thank you for whatever fucked up shit you plan on doing in here."

Loki shakes his head. "Do you really think I need to violate you? I could have done so already easily. No, you will beg for me to use you in any way I see fit. In the end, you will realize how much you crave the subjugation I can provide. Until then, no matter. We must continue."

Loki waves his hands and creates a swirl of energy that turns into a long dress. It's vibrantly emerald and shimmers like it was woven out of pure silk. He tossed it at your feet.

"You have no more need for your odious mercenary garments. Put this on." The magic binding your legs to the floor releases and you get up slowly, rubbing your sore knees. You stare at the dress disdainfully. "Yea, hard pass."

"How predictable. I believe this may change your mind." Suddenly, your clothes began to disintegrate off your body. You shriek as you quickly become exposed to the god before you.

Your face burns as you try to cover yourself with your hands. You can feel Loki's eyes burning into your skin and you dare to look up.

He's definitely staring at you, eyes roaming hungrily across your body and a pleased smirk painted across his face. You curse in your head and snatch the dress up off the floor, slipping it over your head quickly.

"Much better. Doesn't it feel good to obey your King? Now, back on your knees."

You feel completely humiliated and enraged, but he had finally shaken you and the throbbing left side of your face is a reminder of his brute strength. You hesitate, but finally, sink to your knees when he moves to raise a hand toward you.

"Very good." Loki approaches you and reaches to touch your face. You wince away but when his fingers graze your cheek the raw sting from his strike fades immediately.

"It pays to obey, my pet."

For the first time, you refrain from a sharp retort as tears of humiliation creep into your eyes. All you could manage is to continue your enraged stare and keep your head up.

Loki strolls to the door, talking over his shoulder. "Consider this your grace period over, and remember- the end, you will always kneel. I suggest you rest, pet."

He slams the door, leaving you to collapse against the floor, and let out deep, shaky breaths.

Ensorcellment (Loki X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang