What Did You Do?

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Loki is referred to in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda and Heimskringla, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson; the Norwegian Rune Poems, in the poetry of skalds, and in Scandinavian folklore.

You've found a gem in this massive library: a book on Loki. And honestly, it's not that surprising. Loki is arrogant and self-centered to a fault- he's the most likely person to have books about himself.

Not that you mind, because it's given you the perfect opportunity to learn some more about your precious, enigmatic captor. Most of the book is horribly academic, but you're certain you can find some interesting information.

The skin on the back of your neck prickles suddenly. You can sense Lok is coming back.

You debate whether or not to put the book back- you feel like he won't enjoy finding you reading this, but then again he knows its in his own library, doesn't he?

What is he's read your mind and already knows what you're doing? You quickly clear your mind, throwing up your mental barrier. Maybe with luck, he won't even find you here and you can keep reading.

Another thought enters your mind. Can the mental barrier be used to veil your presence entirely? If he can't sense your mind, can he sense your body? It's a worthy experiment, especially if it means you can keep reading.

You focus on shrouding yourself carefully, clearing your mind like when you block your thoughts, but this time including your physical body as well.

By the time you hear the door latch, his movements are already hurried.

"Pet?" He barks a little louder than normal to no response, of course. The stomp of feet down the hall away from you, toward the bedroom.

"Pet." His voice grows more stern, and you squirm in your hiding spot. It's working- you're actually blocking his magic.

You consider coming out of hiding now, knowing he sounds annoyed, but part of you wants to see how long you can keep it going. You honestly still can't fully believe he truly can't find you. You stay silent.

A minute passes and he yells. All at once you feel the most powerful jolt of mental energy while Loki sweeps the building with his magic. You wince at the intrusion and immediately know he's found you. You're discovered in an instant- putting your previous excitement over hiding from him to shame. You should have known you stood no chance against his magic.

The heavy door slams open in an explosion of green mist. Loki's eyes are fiery and he storms toward you, wrenching you up off the ground.

Loki holds your face painfully tight as he hisses, "Don't ever do that. Don't you ever hide from me. Do you understand?"

You suddenly notice the alarm behind the anger, maybe even... fear?

He gives you a shake. "Answer me!"

"O-okay! Okay. I'm sorry." His reaction knocks the air out of you. Why is he so freaked? Surely he knows there's no way you could have actually escaped. Surely he knows...

"Could you really not find me?." You squeak, trying to understand. Loki's eyes burn as his attention snaps back to you.

"You know what you did." He points a finger harshly. "I know not how you've learned to do it, but you have. And you'll never. Do it again."

Loki sets you down. You shake off his tight grip and watch him as he storms off.

Stupid! That was stupid. You should have known he would have reacted badly. His mind is understandably closed off to you, but you can physically feel the anger pouring off of him. You curl back up in the corner, knowing you need to let this blow over before you try to fix it.

Ensorcellment (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now