true friend

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When I was scared, anxious and lonely,

You were there for me.

I thank God for you.

Thank you for the camaraderie.

You are always in my prayers.

I wish to see you soonest.

I miss laughing with you during recess and lunch.

Thank you for staying by my side.

Thank you for understanding, for listening and for being there when I felt so alone.

Thank you for understanding, for listening and for being there when I felt so alone

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Dearest Bianca,

We've been through a lot since 8th grade. You've seen me laugh, cry and smile. You've seen how harsh the world was to me and how scared I was of letting people down. I am grateful because I have you in my life. You are like a sister to me. Thank you for inspiring me when I felt like giving up. Thank you for accepting me for all that I am. I miss you so much. I want to tell you that I am always here for you and I will never forget how you welcomed me as your friend back then. I may have found new friends, but you'll always be special to me. I'll never trade you with anything in this world. Merry Christmas, Biancs! I love you and I wish we could hang out soon. It's been 2 years since I last saw you..

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