I leapt to my feet and threw my arms around Jack's neck, squealing with laughter when he picked me up and spun me around.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yelled, and kissed his cheek, pulling a face when his prickly stubble tickled my face.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

He put me on my feet, then he placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me still. "But I want you to listen to me for a moment. Are you listening?" He looked at me sternly, making sure he had my attention.
"Yes Jacky," I said.

"When we heard you scream from inside the car, I was absolutely terrified for you. I don't get frightened often, but I was frightened today. We've just got you back, darling girl. We don't want to lose you again. So the next time you are told to stay down - I don't care which one of your brothers tells you, or which member of our security team - you obey it. Okay? Your safety, and our safety, depends on you doing exactly what you're told."

I rolled my eyes. "I get it!" I snapped. "Damon drummed it into my ass, remember?"

"Hey!" he scolded, squeezing my shoulders. "Remember who you're speaking to. You've got a bit too much attitude for a little girl with a sore bottom." He put his fingers to my lips and tapped my mouth gently. It didn't hurt, but it was a clear warning. "Watch your tone, and your language, and don't roll your eyes at me."

Being told off by Jack deflated me completely and I looked at the ground, embarrassed, and feeling pretty sorry for myself. "Sorry," I whispered.

Jack pulled me back in close to him, hugging me tightly and pressed a gentle kiss to my hair.

"I have asked the staff to make you a chicken sandwich and some fruit for a late lunch, eat that and take your antibiotics, and by then, your trampoline will be all ready for you. I'm going back to work, so if you need anything, you ask Logan or Rocco and they will get it for you."

I nodded, but at the same time I was a bit frightened. I was a bit overwhelmed by everything that had happened today, and I liked the security of knowing Jack was nearby. I didn't want to be left alone with just Logan and Rocco. My emotions must have been evident on my face because Jack hugged me again.

"You're safe here, sweetheart, I promise you. And Logan and Rocco will both be with you, and they can also call me if they need to. Just like yesterday, by the pool."

That's right, I'd forgotten about that meltdown I'd had. OMG my brothers must think I'm insane! I'm frightened of every little thing. I felt my face colouring, but it was also reassuring at the same time, knowing that Rocco wouldn't hesistate to get Jack if I needed him.

"Okay," I said to Jack.

Jack's phone rang then so he walked away to answer it, and I wandered downstairs. I was too sore to balance on the banister and slide down, and after crashing into Rocco just this morning I wasn't sure if I was keen to do that again just yet anyway. I'd probably been in enough trouble for one day.

My sandwich was delicious, and I swallowed my antibiotics with the glass of juice that was sitting next to my plate. Just as I'd finished, before I could even take my dishes and put them into the dishwasher, the same woman who'd served our meal last night came and took it from me. She asked if I wanted anything else, but I shook my head. I was full. I still wasn't used to eating this much food, and while I was enjoying being able to eat as much as I wanted, my appetite was still tiny.

I wandered outside, to the backyard, and there beyond the pool was my trampoline! It was by far the biggest trampoline I'd ever seen. Rocco and Logan were putting the finishing touches on it - securing the last side of the safety net. It was all ready to go!

I ran out and climbed on, inviting Logan to get on and jump with me, which he did. Even Rocco joined us too, for a little while.

I spent the rest of the afternoon jumping on my new trampoline, and swimming in the pool. Nick had brought me two new swimsuits this morning when we were at the mall, and I wore the pink one now, because it had matching shorts which covered up the pink handprints that lingered from my spanking.

Rocco swam too, and while he wasn't as much to play with as Nick was, he did do his best to lighten up and have fun with me, and he didn't even grumble too much at my high-pitched squealing laughter when Logan splashed me as I sat on Rocco's shoulders. I never would have thought this scowling, grumpy, tattooed man would ever have let me sit on his shoulders, but he was surprisingly gentle as he threw me up in the air and ganged up with me against Logan, to dunk him repeatedly.

Nothing was said about my stuff-up at the mall, and although I'm sure they knew, neither of them mentioned my spanking, for which I was grateful. Both Logan and Rocco just treated me like a normal sister and as I sat on the edge of my pool, warming up in the sun and catching my breath, I looked around at the pool and my trampoline and my brothers and smiled.

He was wrong. I did deserve happiness, and in this household, with my brothers, I had found it.

Authors Note: It's Christmas Eve here in New Zealand so here's an early Christmas present for you all: a sweet little update to wrap up this first part of the story. There will be a lot more of this story coming, but for now I'm going to enjoy the summer holidays with my family and focus on finishing my books (which are now on a very tight deadline) which pay my bills :)

Thank you for reading this story, I can't believe how many people are loving it! I appreciate all your comments and votes and love :)

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and I'll be back in the New Year sometime with more on Carrie and her brothers.

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