Ange and Jeanne's Secret Past? A Brilliant Peridot Ultra Drive Awakens!

Start from the beginning

"BiriBiri Gauge... Complete! Change Mode!" Megan cried out. Suddenly green thunder emerged from the skies, reaching Tunes. Instead of electrocuting her however, it instead caused the HeadControl to split into two baton-like weapons. The Passionate CureChip divided itself into both centers.

Tunes drew a boombox with the baton and energy from her movements. "Execute! Pretty Cure, Max Unicorn Encore!" Tunes leaped into the air, triggering a large energy eruption towards the Plate Terrorbyte. The energy eruption then turned into a unicorn and it majestically stomped the Terrorbyte onto the ground.

Tunes swirled around with the Fortissimo HeadControls in Change Mode and then knelt on the ground, "Bonus Score GET!"

"G-Game over..." The Level 2 Terrorbyte murmured as a massive explosion occurred. As the explosion died down, it returned to being a normal copy of Restaurant de Panic, a cooking game.

Tunes' POV

"Phew t-that's over..." I sighed in relief as the Cyber Zone disappeared and the world of Mitsukaido loaded back up again. This time there was no more drama or suspense, just a brief moment of punches and victory...

"It seems even a revenge duel isn't enough to defeat you." Jeanne brushed her bangs towards us, "But it shows you're getting stronger-"

"Kasumi?" That voice! Ange?

Third Person POV

The mysterious lady clad in purple stared at what's happening around her. She had spotted the fabled Cures and Jeanne in front of her.

All three Cures froze into position, fear and worry heavily pouring down their faces. Even the Navis were turned into stone, them being even more worried than the others.

"Ahh! Ummm...! Y-You're welcome, young citizen!" Glitch nervously tried to come up with something but judging by the looks of Tunes and Pyro... it wasn't worth it. She found out.

Suddenly something sparked through the woman's eyes. The green Cure in particular resembled someone she knew. Too much in fact... Kasumi. That innocent face of hers looked identical to Tunes. Then there were the red and blue Cures who look similar to her friends. The warrior in red gave it all away with the plates of her arm clicking slowly.

But that was not it for Ange. No. Jeanne. A moment of lightning struck between the two ladies, almost something of a memory flashed to them.

"You...!" Jeanne'a growl feel very uncomfortable for the Cures, "You decided to show again."

Anger. Rage. Fury. Jeanne couldn't compress those three feelings in a Zip file.

"You are..." Words slipped out of Ange's mouth, she didn't know what to say, "That robot from back then-"

Ange was briefly interrupted by a lance towards her face, luckily Tunes and the others quickly blocked her. "I see you remember my humiliating defeat, Ange!"

"H-Huh?" Tunes looked back at Ange all confused, "Ange, w-what is she talking ab-" Realising what she said, Tunes slapped her mouth.

"Tunes!" Pyro silently screeched.

"From this day ownards... I will kill you!" The Cures have never sensed much anger in Jeanne before. She was scary yet relaxed and calm than the other two. Then Jeanne angrily zoomed off into the skies.

Ange kept watching the robot in yellow flying past. Meanwhile the Cures themselves were stuck in their own dilemma. With their own identities.


Kasumi's POV
~Time Skip~ | Location: Kanakusa Residence

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I know it's all sudden but PLEEEASE don't turn us into the SCP facility!" Everyone stared at Nikou all bewildered with eyes big as saucepans.

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