017 - graduation

973 26 7

„Emily Fisher."

Dana stood in line to get her high school diploma, fidgeting with her hands. It had been a month of stress and relief. She had done well in her last two exams and when she had finally gotten her results she almost jumped in the air. She had achieved a 1.3 in her A-Levels, which corresponds to a 3.7 GPA. This even made it possible for her to study medicine in Germany; something that was very hard to accomplish for someone that had had average grades before the exams. But now, after she had found out that Robert was her father, she decided to take a gap-year to decide what she wanted to do, rather than immediately make a decision.

"Dana Goldberg." The principal called her out. The girl made her way up the stairs smiling to collect her diploma. She shook her hand before turning around to wave her family and then shooting a wink to Charlie who had already gotten hers. She saw her mom, probably filming her, but then Anna grinned mischievously and Dana knew that it was her dad on FaceTime.

After every student had gotten their certificate and the formal part of the event was done the evening got more relaxed. Music was playing and people were dancing. Dana, Mia, Jo and Charlie had snuck away, sitting on the stairs in front of the building. Each of them had a glass of champagne, Dana a glass of water.

"Cheers on being free," Charlie made a toast, "and enjoying life."

"Cheers." They all clinked their glasses and sipped on their drinks.

Jo leaned back on her elbows. "Are you already done packing?"

Dana laughed. "I haven't started yet. I'll do it tomorrow." Mia giggled and lifted her hand to give her a high five; she hadn't yet started either.

"Well, you won't be hung-over tomorrow. I'll sleep until 4 pm."

The group broke out in laughter.

"Alright, kids," Dana stood up, dusting off her dress, "let's get back to the party."

"Yes, mom." Mia answered mockingly.


The next morning, while she was packing, Dana facetimed her father, like she had promised him.

"Hey, honey." Robert greeted her. He was sat on the couch, Avri sitting on his lap.

Dana, who had continued folding clothes while waiting in him to answer, looked up. "Hi, dad." She then noticed her little sister. "Oh hi, little missy." Avri waved with her little hands.

"How are you now?" Her dad asked. "You looked beautiful."

Dana grinned. "Thank you. I'm good. I'm really just relaxing right now. And packing for Italy. You?"

"Oh, you know, just waiting on shooting Spider-Man and being shocked that my older daughter is almost an adult." He joked half-serious.

"Oh, come on." Dana laughed. "I'm not even 18 yet."

"You graduated." The man exclaimed, fighting a little bit with the little girl on his lap now, who was climbing around on him.

Dana laughed heartily. "Oh sorry, I'mma just give back my diploma because 'my dad thinks I'm growing up too quickly'. Valid reason."

Robert grinned. "You know what I mean, miss. Don't sass your poor, old father."

"You're hardly old or poor." It came from behind Robert. He turned around and a grinning Susan came into view.

"Hi, Dana. Congratulations." She exclaimed.

"Thank you." Dana laughed at her excitement. "How are you?"

"Great. You?"

Dana nodded, smiling. "Same." She looked at the pile of clothes in front of her, controlling if she had everything. Once she had checked she started to stack everything in her suitcase.

"Well," Robert checked his watch, "we sadly have to go, Felia."

"Okay, bye." Dana waved into the camera, "Love you."

"We love you too." Robert sang while Avri wave into the camera, babbling. "Have fun in bella Italia!"

Word count: 632


another filler... anyways, merry christmas and happy holidays!

thank you so much for over 9300 reads! that is so incredible. so...please vote and comment and i guess i'll see you next year.


ps. Dana is wearing my future graduation dress :)

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