018 - mamma mia

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Dana sighed as she got out of the car, stretching her back, the heat of the Toscanian noon pushing on her. Her mom's family owned a rather big estate in Calafuria, a part of Livorno. On the 6 acres land that the Cignonis owned there was enough space for a big main house and a guest house in which the girls would live for the one week of vacation. "Grazie, nonno." She thanked her grandpa. She was always incredible thankful for the possibilities she had and the means at her family's disposal.

"Sì, sì, prego, cara." He dismissed. "Sapete dove risiedete. Sistematevi. L'altra macchina è in garage se ne hai bisogno." You know where you'll stay. Settle in. The other car is in the garage if you need it.

Dana hugged the man. "Grazie mille. Ti amo." "Va bene, angelo mio. Di' alla nonna che mi manca." It's fine, my angel. Tell grandma I miss her.

Just like with her grandma, Dana had a special bond with her grandpa, especially ever since her grandmother's death. He was convinced that Dana was accompanied by his wife's soul wherever she went, just like by a guardian angel. The girl nodded, smiling softly.

After her grandfather walked off to the main house Charlie, Mia, Jo and she went to get their stuff to the house, getting settled and freshened up. After a short break that was spent drinking coffee, the only thing that was currently to find in the kitchen, they decided to go and get groceries.

They walked back to the garage. Dana opened the gate, her long boho-style skirt that she had changed into swinging with her movements, "Tadaa!" An old, light-blue 2001 Chevrolet Silverado pick-up truck was presented to them, "The best car in the entire world, this is Emma."

Charlie laughed. "Only you would name a car."

"Oh, shut up and get in." Dana grinned as she fished the car keys of the hook on the wall.

"Shotgun." Joanna shouted, saving herself the passenger seat, making the other two grumble.

The way to the supermarket was spent with carpool karaoke, singing ABBA's albums mixed with the covers of the Mamma Mia! movie soundtrack, while the wind from the open windows messed their hair up. They had decided that that would be the spirit of the vacation.



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


At a local supermarket the girls found everything they would need in the following week. They had decided that they would make a focaccia for dinner with tomato and mozzarella cheese and also bought a honey melon and prosciutto crudo, as that was a combination Dana loved to eat in the Mediterranean climate of Italy and the other three had promised to try it too. The heat had a stifling effect on hunger.

Later in the evening they sat at the beach, on blankets around a camp fire. They had made an excellent focaccia; so good that Dana just had to bring her grandpa a portion and when they were all finished, the girls had packed up some glasses, wine and aranciata, drove to the beach and made themselves comfortable.

Mia who had brought her guitar fiddled around with it, resulting in a soft, lazy tune. That was until Jo leaned over to her and whispered something in her ear. Soon the tune of Andante, Andante was heard and Dana immediately caught Mia's and Jo's mischievous grins.

"Uh-uh, no." She shook her head, chuckling. "That was one time and I was more or less drunk."

Charlie, leaning on her best friend's shoulder, laughed and began drumming the rhythm on her legs. "Come on, babe."

"Take it easy with me, please." She began hesitantly, "Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze. Take your time, make it slow. Andante, andante, just let the feeling grow." She smiled, continuing to sing.

And so the evening faded out with ABBA songs once again, as that somehow always happened when the four of them were together.


As most of the nights Dana had trouble sleeping but as she was in Italy, she had her place to feel comfortable. That was why she found herself in a hammock, her hammock, watching the stars.

She thought about the talk she had with her parents during her stay at home, finally telling them about her mental health issues and also coming out to them. The girl still wasn't able to estimate her father's reaction to her being bisexual. He hadn't been happy but he also hadn't said anything bad. He just said nothing. Her mother in contrary had congratulated her and hugged her long and hard while Oscar had made jokes about her closet being made from glass. Also her mother had made her promise to find a therapist, while her dad was still silent. She was used to her dad being more distant, he wasn't the most expressive but it made her doubt and it hurt.

She nuzzled herself further in the blanket that she had brought with her and after a while she did fall asleep.

What she didn't expect was waking up the next morning to Charlie taking a photo of her cutely cuddled in her blanket. "Charles, go away and let me sleep." She grumbled, her voice raspy from sleep.

"We have a nice breakfast with melon and also we got fresh ciabatta, mortadella and salame." The curly-haired girl answered in a sing-song voice, her Italian pronunciation perfect after years of being Dana's best friend. "And we got coffee."

Her friend slowly sat up, stretching her back and arms. "Alright," she yawned, "You got me convinced." She hooked her arm around Charlie's shoulder. "And please send me the photos you took."

"Yup, I'll do."


Word count: 952

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Word count: 952


this is more or less a filler chapter...i'm also not sure about the pictures, they're really just there for visualization, so yeah... i hope you like it.

thank you so much for the support and also for over 13000 reads; that is crazy!

love y'all


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