Bonus 2 A Christmas Prince

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Nothing was quite as welcoming on Christmas day as the scent of Christmas spice and freshly baked gingerbread dancing with the festive air of the magical season. On the morning of Christmas, Seoul, like many others, had fallen into the joyous rhythm of festive joy with the toasty warmth of jolly greetings and blinking lights amid decorations strewn across the houses.  

On a joyous morning such as this, it wasn't surprising that our favourite Swan family decided to celebrate Christmas in their unique way.

For starters, the twins were performing in The Nutcracker that evening. Mi Ni and Mi Ri were cast as Clara albeit for different performances. For the evening, Mi Ri would soar through the stage as the lead with Mi Ni supporting her twin as a Sugar Plum Fairy.

For that reason alone, the same melodious ternary combination of woodwind instruments and the orchestra accompanied the family's morning as they baked Christmas cookies together. The doll-like fantasy created by The Nutcracker made for an extremely lighthearted morning as the natural-born dancers in them embraced the Christmas classic.

Laughter was a given as the family danced around the living room with no care in the world, waving the half-eaten bits of gingerbread in their hands. At some point, Hyun Bin lifted the twins into the air, playing Prince Eric to their little Claras. 

With Rose and Dino yapping gently at the heels of her feet, Ye Jin hobbled towards the rest of the family with a soft smile on her face. As though their littlest one desired to join in their festive dance, a burst of bubbly laughter escaped Ye Jin's lips when she felt the tiny flutters in her tummy.

"Is our Wriggly dancing in eomma's tummy again?" Hyun Bin cooed while rubbing Ye Jin's stomach tenderly.

With her due date around the corner, Ye Jin's stomach was stretched out to its fullest, protecting and sheltering their little one until they welcomed him into their world. With that said, there was a myriad of sacrifices that they had to make and at times, discomforts that they had to deal with.

Despite that, everything that they were doing for their little one was simply minor inconveniences to them, none of which was enough to make their hearts falter.

Every single day, they showered their children with all the love they could give with an expectant heart that one day, they would grow to become strong and beautiful individuals.

Likewise, they were looking forward to the day they could hold their little prince in their arms.

"Of course he is. It's Christmas!" Ye Jin chuckled.

"Dongsaeng's moving? Daebak! I want to dance with him!" Mi Ni squealed, jumping up and down from pure joy.

Similarly, Mi Ri mimicked her twin's movements before they skipped over to hold Ye Jin's hand. Swinging their joined hands to the beat of the music, the family was wholly entertained by their festive shenanigans.

At the end of it all, Hyun Bin helped Ye Jin settle herself on the couch and instinctively rubbed her lower back to ease some of the tension on her muscles. On the other hand, the twins pressed their ears against their mother's tummy, enthralled by their little brother's movements.

That was how the Swan family spent the rest of their morning. With gingerbread cookies, quality family time, and their love for each other – including Wriggly.

Nearing noon, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin dropped their twins off at the dance studio in preparation for their upcoming performance. The blessedly married couple spent the rest of their time back home, wrapped under the soft duvets together with Rose and Dino curled up at their feet.

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