Chapter 20 Circle of Life

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The sound of someone humming a joyful tune could be heard through the door when Ye Jin arrived at the wardrobe department. After making sure Rose would be alright, Ye Jin knocked and let herself into the room. The light buzzing of the sewing machine greeted Ye Jin and she stood awkwardly by the door as she waited.

The humming and the buzzing continued, a therapeutic sound to those who worked in the fashion industry. Rows of fabric in its myriads of colours and textures lined most of the room. Mannequins with the working pieces of costumes stood haphazardly around the room, just waiting to serve their Fashion Mistress.

The mistress's table wasn't any better in terms of neatness. Rulers, measuring tapes, half-cut fabrics, and all the little intricacies that went with designing the perfect costume were dumped on the table in an organised mess.

The said mistress was currently sewing seams along one of the costumes she was working on, her spectacles handing off the bridge of her nose as she hummed along with her trusty machine. A 4B pencil with a rubber tip could be seen balancing on the back of her ear. It was a wonder how she kept the pencil in place.

Ye Jin had no way of knowing how she should navigate the room and was curious where the Fashion Mistress was.

"OMO! I didn't see you there! I'm a terrible hostess. Come here, dear." Do Hye Ji finally noticed Ye Jin.

Pulling Ye Jin to the middle of the room, Hye Ji began to circle her, observing Ye Jin's body build, out of habit. Hye Ji's lips were pursed tightly as she stopped right in front of Ye Jin before she pushed her spectacles back into place.

"I can work with this." Hye Ji suddenly clapped her hands together with utter delight, startling the young ballerina.

The quiet swish of the measuring tape being unrolled could be heard as Hye Ji began measuring Ye Jin, all the while humming that joyful tune.

"Arms up." Hye Ji instructed quietly as she guided Ye Jin's arms to where she needed them to be.

Ye Jin kept herself as still as a statue as the Fashion Mistress continued to measure her, occasionally turning to write down her measurements. The near-silence only lasted for a good minute – a record in Hye Ji's books – before she began chattering away.

"Oooo, you have the perfect proportions dear. Have you ever heard of the golden ratio? It's impressive. And OMO! Omo, omo, omoooo, your jawlines are to die for! Those clavicles too. Tell me, dear. What do you do to get such beautiful clavicles?" Hye Ji started raving.

"Um...I." Ye Jin didn't quite know how to answer that.

"Aish, lucky girl. You don't even have to do anything. I bet you were naturally blessed with it. I can't look at them anymore, it's making me feel unworthy of all those hulky gods out there." Hye Ji placed the back of her hand against her forehead dramatically.

With that, Ye Jin felt Hye Ji wrap a scarf around her to cover her clavicles before the lady began measuring her again.

"Tell me, dear. How is it like dancing with all those Greek Gods? Wait a're an apprentice. That means..." Hye Ji's eyes widened dramatically at that.


Hye Ji was sure if the Prince Charming of the ballet world ever so much as look at her, she would have a heart attack and collapse.

Or...she was simply being Do Hye Ji, the drama queen with the spirit animal of a chihuahua.

In truth, Do Hye Ji would have a field day if she knew that Ye Jin had in fact kissed that said hulky goodness of a man.

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