Chapter 13 Tour en l'air

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Do you know that moment when you're so overcome with emotions that it allows you to take that leap of faith? When even though you know gravity was working against you, but you make that spur of a moment decision to jump?

That was exactly what happened when Hyun Bin ran into the studio to find Ye Jin.

The words left his mouth before he could even think of stopping them.

He took the leap of faith.


Oftentimes, the fall after the leap was what one ends up regretting.

Now, did Hyun Bin regret it?

No, he didn't.

In fact, what he felt was far from regret. He was actually grateful to have gotten those eight simple words out of his chest.

And now, he waits.

Tick tick tick...

Ye Jin was still frozen in Hyun Bin's embrace since her mind was still processing the turn of events. What on earth just happened? Did he just...?

Ye Jin could barely make sense of Hyun Bin barging into the studio before she heard him running to embrace her. Before the door could even slam shut with a bang, he was already hugging her tight. She had let out a small squeak of surprise at that before the very words she wanted to say to him left his lips.

It should have been easy for her to accept his feelings. After all, she felt the same way. But, a part of her was still wondering if she was dreaming.

Son Ye Jin, I am falling for you.

He said it. He really said it.

Slowly, Ye Jin realised how he was trembling as he held onto her, overpowered by the intense emotions coursing through him. His rare show of feelings were nothing but genuine and it touched Ye Jin deeply.

Small arms came up to wrap around Hyun Bin as the seconds continued to tick by. "Hyun Bin ssi..." Ye Jin whispered.

Automatically, Hyun Bin's arms tightened around her as though he was afraid of losing her. That was the worst thing that could ever happen to him.

Hearts thumping wildly and stomachs fluttering, Ye Jin rubbed Hyun Bin's back soothingly before she uttered her next words. Hyun Bin noticeably relaxed at her gentle touches although he was still waiting anxiously for her response.

"I am falling for you too." Ye Jin's voice echoed in the back of his head even after the room fell silent.

"Come again?" Hyun Bin checked in disbelief.

"I am falling for you too, Hyun Bin." Ye Jin repeated, blushing hard now.

She was falling for him too. She wasn't running away from him. She was still here with him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch you there. Could you say it again?" Hyun Bin found himself grinning, his tone teasing as he held her away from him to peek at her face.

"Ya! Now you're only teasing! It's not fair, you only had to say it once!" Ye Jin slapped Hyun Bin's chest playfully.

"I'm falling for you, Son Ye Jin. There, now we're even." Hyun Bin said happily, not minding it one bit that Ye Jin was smacking him.

Ye Jin continued to lay smacks into his chest, completely flustered by what just happened. That was until he caught her hands and brought her into his arms again. All was calm once again when his hand came up to stroke the back of her head.

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