Chapter 8 Good Night

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"Hyun Bin ssi..." Ye Jin said slowly, as though she was carefully weighing her next words.

It wasn't that she didn't want to go out with him, she was simply caught off guard. Her heart said yes, but her mind said she should weigh all the consequences first. Does she follow her heart or her mind?

Ye Jin heard Hyun Bin let out a shaky breath and she realised the man was nervous. Somehow that thought sent a rush of warmth to her heart. It was clear that her response mattered to him and that only proved that he was nothing but sincere towards her.

It was cute, come to think of it.

"I-" Ye Jin opened her mouth to respond to his invite.

"Princess!" Her abeoji interrupted their moment.


"Let's go for dinner. Oh, who is this, princess?" Ye Jin's abeoji finally noticed the young lad standing in front of his little girl.

"This is Hyun Bin ssi. He choreographed our dance today, appa." Ye Jin introduced him, beaming proudly at the thought of the masterpiece Hyun Bin created.

Recognition filled her abeoji's eyes as he eyed the young man up and down. So, this was the Hyun Bin his daughter had been going on and on about in their recent calls.

"Amazing! I'm not a professional but I enjoyed the performance immensely. It's nice to meet you, Hyun Bin ssi." Ye Jin's abeoji finally smiled and held out his hand.

Hyun Bin smiled formally and took the man's hand, giving it a firm shake. "It is nice to meet you too, Sir. Please call me Hyun Bin."

"So, you've been teaching my daughter?" Ye Jin's abeoji asked.

"I have, Sir. She's been amazing. I see much potential in her." Hyun Bin took every opportunity he could to praise Ye Jin.

Ye Jin blushed at the unexpected compliment, still feeling unbelievably shy around him. "Gomawo."

"Thank you for giving her a chance, Hyun Bin. As an appa, it means a lot to me to know that someone recognises her talent." Ye Jin's abeoji said with the utmost sincerity.

Hyun Bin took one glance at Ye Jin's abeoji and understood where the man was coming from instantly. It must be difficult to see your daughter struggling to find her place in the world. 

Hyun Bin felt a pang in his heart when he thought about the number of times Ye Jin's talent must have been overlooked. Everyone deserved a chance, and the world was missing out on his swan girl's talent.

"Anyone would be a fool not to recognise her talent." Hyun Bin's eyes were soft as he looked over at Ye Jin.

Ye Jin felt his eyes on her and blushed harder, feeling the heat crawl up her skin and the goosebumps forming on her skin. The effect he was having on her as always, was palpable and it would seem the feeling was only growing over time. What was she going to do?

"Well said, my boy! Would you like to join us for dinner? Three is a crowd but four makes a party!" Ye Jin's abeoji suggested lightly.

"Appa!" Ye Jin said exasperatedly.

She couldn't believe that he was putting Hyun Bin on the spot. Turning down an elder's offer was rude in their culture, but Hyun Bin was her teacher too. Surely this was frowned upon.

"It would be my honour." Hyun Bin bowed his head politely in acceptance of the offer.

Ye Jin gaped openly at his response before she closed her mouth. Looks like dinner would be for four. Her worries were only quelled when Hyun Bin leaned over to whisper in her ear.

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