❀ Chapter I

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The bells suddenly began tinkling softly as the warm breeze blew. It indicated that a message for the entire family that they had a client.


"MiLady? Where are you?"

Their footsteps echoes on the hallways along with their panicked voices inside the house as they calls for her presence.
She casually stares at the water that glitters under the twilight sky.

"Yes? Here I am," she responded with seemingly half dead voice, softly that she herself could barely hear her own voice.

"Grandma and I already prepared your nagajuban, MiLady. Just in case."

"Who's is it that I'm gonna send this time?" She wondered in her thoughts.

The Hell Correspondence.

Or were on the present days call it, hotline to hell.

It is site that can only be access at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their object of hatred.

Someone should submit the name of the person whom they bear a grudge or immense hatred. And if their request is accepted, the wish will be their command.

In this job was handled by head of the family, and she is to carry vengeance that the clients harbored to their target and take revenge straight its way to hell.
However, once the vengeance had been served, the client will had to deliver the end of the bargain. The service always has to be a price.

When one person is cursed, two graves are dug.

If they die, their soul will also go to hell as well, but not until they die of course.

They will never know the joys of heaven. They will be left to wander through a world made of pain and agony for all of eternity.

But the website, hotline to hell, only works in the present world.

On the feudal era, if someone needed help to avenge their misery and hatred, the client needs a crow and the note where they had wrote the name of the person they had grudge against on a paper inked by their own blood. The crow has this one job, it's to carry the note to the sky in the middle of the night.

If the message is confirmed, she'll sent a message that she received the message. And will going to show herself to the client and state the contract.

While in the feudal world, she'll show herself as soon as the crow's wings flocked it's wings to the sky

It doesn't had anything to do with the time for she resides to both world.

And also after had received the message and sent the message, she'll get teleported to the place where the client was then she'll bring them with her to the realm of perpetual twilight.

As mentioned that she resides to both worlds, she can work on both worlds with no problem of slowing her down.

But most of her clients on this business were from modern world whereas she can only work in the feudal world only on the night of the full moon.

"You summoned me. My name is Ai," she introduced herself to her new client that she had lost count how many times she had introduced herself that way that her mouth already had a thought to itself. And definitely will tell the exact same words again to her next client in the future.

She's been doing it for almost all of her life, sending souls of people to hell that she had lost feelings of concern, sadness and guilt. That brought her to the thought that humans to be a weak and naive beings who only decides according to their feelings.

On her blank and emotionless face she always wore, every time someone would contact her for help, deep down she also thought back, how did she started working as a messenger of hell? How did she get that seemingly heavy title that not only her shoulders that she used to carry that burden?

"The death angel, Enma Ai," muttered the surprised client who summons her from the modern world with the pair of blood red orbs that stares back to hers, that words won't describe that they find it hard to believe that she's real.

But if she may be honest to herself, she's tired of doing this job.

If she can let it go, she will.

If there is a chance to escape, she will.

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