Chapter 17

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“So… where did you find the girl again?” Will asked Grell, looking at him strangely as he followed him into the living room.

    “Well I first met her when I was going to meet Bassy-” Grell paused to sigh in admiration. “-And, well, Bassy had to go do something again, so her and I talked a little bit. Then you called me to go and do something-I don’t remember what-and so I had to leave. When I finally got time off from you and your insane work schedule, I went to go see if she was still with Sebas-chan and to see if I could talk with her, but when she wasn’t there I was confused-well, it wasn’t just that, Sebas-chan was seemed also very stressed. So I went and I talked to him, and he only ignored me! So I decided to go and see if I could find Demetria myself. I tracked her down-it took a while, but I found her in a mansion previously owned by a Dramouse. Odd name if you ask me… but anyways, Lord Dramouse had died years before, and it seems that a demon had taken up his residence as a temporary hideout. Skipping a little bit forward, I found her lying on the floor of the mansion and brought her back her. Does that cover it all?” Grell asked Will.

    Will only nodded, and sat down on the couch next to Grell. “Yes, I would assume that would cover and answer my question.” Grell only nodded and set the candle down on the coffee table. “How long will she stay in your house?” Will asked, looking from the candle to Grell.

    “Oh, I assume I’ll have to take her back to Sebas-chan when she wakes up.” Grell said, nodding slightly to the statement he made.

    “Why, oh why do you insist upon obsessing over that demon?!” Will said, annoyed by how Grell kept obsessing over the demon and insisting on bringing him up every time they spoke.

    “Excuse me, his name is Sebastian, and he is pure perfection!” Grell retorted, glaring at Will slightly. His gaze only softened when Will sighed and shook his head.

    “Anyways, I must be going, there is more work to be done.” Will said, standing up. He adjusted his glasses, and Grell sighed.

    “You work too much, you need to take a break.” Grell said, staring at the tall reaper next to him.

    “I don’t work too much, and I’ll be fine without a break.” Will said, adjusting his suit slightly.

    “I hope you know that there is a thing as too much work, William.” Grell said, causing Will to give him an annoyed glare.

    “How many times have I told you not to call me William?” He asked Grell.

    “Too many to bother counting or to care.” Grell replied answer Will’s question. Will only sighed and shook his head.

    “I will see you later Grell.” Will said, leaving the house and walking back to his own office, question’s prowling through his head like hungry predators about to pounce on their prey. He sighed softly and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to brush away the thoughts. Except there was a new thought, picking at the edge of his mind. Picking and picking away until he answered it. Pick up the letter… pick up the letter and read it again.

    Will shook his head slightly, walking into his office. He sat down in his leather chair and opened up a drawer in his desk. After a few minutes of shuffling around through papers and such, he found the letter. It was concealed in a purple envelope and lay at the bottom of his desk drawer. He picked it up, and pulled the crisp letter out of the thin envelope that had concealed its existence for many years. It was from a good friend of his, she had told him not to read it until he had thought that he had found her daughter.

    He unfolded the letter and started to read through it. His eyes taking in every word.


“Dear William,

Yes, I do know that you prefer not to be called ‘William’ my dear friend, but with manners like this, I find that the name is more preferable and suitable. But moving on from that, William, if you are reading this you believe that you have found my daughter. Daughter of the last phoenix. I will confirm for you now that, yes, her father was a demon, but no, she is not half phoenix, half demon. As it turns out, when a phoenix has given birth to an infant with a father of a different species, the child would and will be full phoenix. As far as I know, my daughter is the only hope of bringing back the phoenix race.

Despite what I had her father going around and saying, no, I did not burn up at death. I have merely fled into hiding, so that her father may raise her as I could not. Not with my rebirth approaching oh so soon. In fact,  with the day that I am writing this letter to you, I believe that my rebirth is only a day or two away. But I will tell you now, as you were good friends of both her father and I, we have made you her godfather. Please, take good care of her.

Her name is Demetria Jacobs-after her father’s mother-and she is a phoenix. I look to you to take care of her, as I cannot. After my rebirth, I will not remember any of this. No… my rebirth will make me a new person. But I can assure you there is one thing that is different about Demetria. She isn’t like a normal phoenix. Immortal? Yes. Rebirth? No. In fact, the fire heals her. But it does not cause a rebirth like so many phoenix’s fear. That is what has changed in her genetics due to her father being a demon.

It is a rarity in phoenix kind, but it seems that her father being a demon only raised the probability of the chance of that mutation being in her genes. But anyways… I have intrusted her in your care once you have found her. You will know it is her by the way she speaks. I know she will have found someone else to stay with, after all, her father said that she must go on her own way once she has turn 1,000. Yes, I know that may seem like a while, and I’m sorry for all the painful years that you had to wait to read this letter, but I am telling you now, she is in your care. Take care of my daughter William. I am trusting you-please do not betray my trust. In fact… I am not sure that I will be making it out of this rebirth alive, I am sure, it is my time to go. I will not be coming back from this rebirth I believe. But take care of my daughter William.

Goodbye William,

Aradia Jacobs”

    William sighed softly and put the letter down. He shook his head and held back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. Aradia… she was such a good friend… he would miss her. And her father… Aradia never said his name, but Will knew who it was nonetheless. He sighed softly and folded up the letter, sliding it back into its envelope and putting it into his pocket. Demetria… his goddaughter, and now his ward. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Shaking his head he stood up, pushing his chair back from his desk.

    Will picked up his Death Scythe, and made his way out of his office, locking the door behind him. He made his way back to Grell’s house. Not to show Grell the letter, but to explain everything, not only to Grell, but to himself too… and if Demetria was awake, possibly her too. he sighed softly and knocked on the door to Grell’s door, standing there, leaning slightly on his Death Scythe as he played over in his head what the letter had said.

    He was a godfather… he had a ward… this was all so strange to him. He would let his ward be as she had been before, but still, he would try to pose as a fatherly figure when others could not. Before Grell opened the door William decided that he would go and see if he could find her father. He would search the hell below and the earth above to see if he could find her father.

Hell's Fire (Sebastian Michealis Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें