Chapter 4

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“Well… I’m not sure how to start this but…” Demetria sighed and shook her head. “Let me start at the reason I was running away in the first place. Well.. it was maybe a year or two ago… and there was a man. He came up to my house in a little prarie out in the southern parts of England. I… I don’t remember his face though…” Demetria paused slightly frowning. “In fact… I don’t remember anything that happened after that…” This fact seemed to disturb Demetria deeply. “Anyways… I… I’d rather not talk about what happened from what I do remember after that… but he kept saying that it was my fault he was like ‘this’. I had no clue what he meant… I still have no clue…. Anyways… One night he forgot to lock the door… so I ran. He spotted me right as I ran out the front door and he followed me…. I… I think I lost him when I ran through some alleyways…” Demetria bit her lip and looked down at Mr.Snuffums. “Then I ran onto Phantomhive property… I had no idea it was Phantomhive property at the time… but I do now. Anyways… I was really tired and I collapsed. I think I was just going to rest for a minute before going on my way… but I believe that I passed out before I could.” Demetria picked her words carefully, as if to hide a deep secret. All through Demetria talking, Sebastian listened carefully, taking in every word she put out into the open air.

    He nodded thoughtfully then stood up. “I’ll be back later… My master needs his lunch.” Demetria nodded and Sebastian left, going downstairs to make Ciel’s lunch. All the while Demetria sat on the bed petting Mr. Snuffums. She looked over at the stand and noticed that Sebastian had forgotten to take the plate and the water glass down.

    “I could take it down… but… who knows what would happen… I guess… I guess I’ll just stay here until he comes back.” Demetria said, speaking to herself. She sighed softly and laid back on the bed closing her eyes. Mr. Snuffums meowed and stood up, making his way onto Demetria. He curled up on Demetria's breast and purred softly. Demetria smiled softly at the thought of knowing that Mr. Snuffums would be there with her. She relaxed, letting her body sink back into the bed as she thought of all the things she didn’t tell Sebastian, and all the things she twisted the truth about.

    She didn’t live in a prairie in southern England… or at least… she hadn't for years and years. In fact, she wasn’t sure that southern England still had prairies… but she wouldn’t voice that idea out loud. The man had cornered her in a dark alleyway around a year ago… that’s when he had taken her. It was true that she didn’t remember his face, but she did remember the pain. She knew of the man’s intentions. He blamed her for something, but she didn’t know what-Hell, she doesn’t even remember having met the man before that day. But his intentions were either to break her, or force her to reveal the position of her friends. It would have been friends and family… but she had no family. Her family had been dead for centuries. Or at least… it’s what it’s felt like. Of course, she still sees them from time to time-In her dreams that is.

    She could remember the first time that she had a dream after a long time of no dreams. It was pleasant and made her feel happy. When she had her first dream after a long time, it made her feel relieved that she could still dream. Even if those dreams were odd sometimes. But when she dreamt, she could shape the reality, she could make it her way. It was a very satisfying feeling for her. She started to drift off into the realm of dreams when a voice spoke into her mind. “Dicite viro secretum tuum. Habet etiam unum. tamen vellem dicere quod deterius est secretum tuum. Tu summum ens potentia. Daemon qui putrescit est in inferno. Cave ne flos mihi. Adhuc tamen florescere.”

    The words meant nothing to Demetria. She had never heard them before… and to be honest… this words scared her slightly. The voice sounded dark and powerful… yet… the voice sounded desperate. And like it wanted something from her. However, she simply chose to ignore it and rolled over onto her side-which, in a fit of alarm-caused Mr. Snuffums to jump off her chest and bolt under the bed. She sighed softly and traced a pattern of a star into the bed sheets and started to drift off into the darkness that was sleep once again.


Finny sat around on his bed wondering how the girl was doing. Sebastian had taken her upstairs to one of the rooms and hadn’t said anything about her. Finny had even gone to the point of looking for her in all of the guest rooms. She wasn’t there… so that means that the only room she could be in is Sebastian’s room. And they weren’t allowed in Sebastian's room. In fact, Finny was scared of what would happen if he ever entered Sebastian’s room without permission… Sebastian was always so secretive of what was in his room. Mey-Rin tried to ask what was in his room once, and all Sebastian did was give Mey-Rin a glare and move on from the subject onto other things.

Finny sighed and fell back onto the bed. He really wasn’t feeling all that good today, but he wanted to go out and visit Pluto. After a few minutes of contemplating whether or not to stay in bed, Finny groaned and pushed himself out of bed. He stood up and was instantly hit with a rush of dizziness and fell back onto his bed. He groaned and got into a more comfortable position feeling feverish and sick to his stomach. He had a pounding headache and felt as if he was going to puke at any moment. He pulled his blanket up to his shoulder and pulled it close to himself. Finny heard someone enter the room and cough. Finny would have looked to see who it was except he was facing the other way and didn’t feel like moving.

“Oi, Finny you feeling alright?” A male voice called to him, getting closer. Finny mumbled a small no, knowing that it was Baldroy who asked the question. “What’s wrong?” Bard asked walking over to where Finny could see him.

Finny looked at Baldroy through half lidded eyes. He mumbled softly; “Well for one… I have a headache… feel sick to my stomach… and tried to stand up earlier but got really dizzy…” Finny’s voice was slow and sounded like it was laced with sickness. Bard frowned then felt Finny’s forehead and frowned even more.

    “Look’s like your sick Finn…” Bard said, using the nickname he usually used for Finny. Honestly, Finny saw Bard as an older brother. And Bard saw Finny as a younger brother, it was personally saddening to see Finny sick for Bard. It was a rare occasion for the younger boy to as sick as he was today. “I’ll tell Sebastian that you’re sick today…” Bard said looking at Finny. “Until then, get some rest.” Finny nodded slightly and closed his eyes as Baldroy left the room to go tell Sebastian that Finn was sick. Finny slowly drifted off into a world of sleep.

//Translation for the thing earlier in the story: Tell him your secret. He even has one of his own. I would even say that his is even worse. You, are a being of the highest rank. He is a demon who will rot in hell. Listen to me my flower, for you have yet to bloom.

I used Google Translate... so it won't be 100% accurate.


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