Chapter Two

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Maia Barlow rests her head against the steering wheel of her rundown VW. Atlas is asleep in the backseat in his car seat. The only functioning thing, Maia is convinced, is his pram come across the car seat. She wants to bang against the wheel, to scream. But of course she doesn't. Had she been alone of course she would. But not with Atlas in the car.

Today just had to be the day that she would wear a frumpiest jersey and her messiest jeans and decide to treat herself to breakfast. And today just had to be the day that Atlas would be fussy and not want to be put down. Maia sighs, she knows it's not his fault. The man that helped her, Leonis, was a godsend. Little did he know Maia was on the brink of tears when he approached her. He just sat down and immediately started helping her. Feeding her. And she just had to be dressed in this jersey.

Ever since taking Atlas home Maia has taken less time for herself. Of course that's the undertaking when you have a baby. Maia has not had time for herself to properly take care of herself, let alone date, but when Leonis sat at her table with his rich skin and kind green eyes Maia wished she hadn't stopped attending the Zumba classes at her local gym. But she had. And she just had to be wearing these jeans.

Maia's eyes fill with tears. It's ridiculous. She knows it is. But with just a few hours of sleep and a defeated self-esteem there's only so much she can take. She can feel a sob growing in her chest at the prospect of having to drive home now. There's a soft tapping at the window and Maia jumps. She looks up and Leonis is peering at her, hunched over. Maia hops out the car quickly, swiping at her eyes.

"Uh hi...what's up?" Seriously Maia 'what's up?'

Leonis folds his arms across his chest and he leans against her car, casually, as if completely comfortable being beside her.

"I just wanted to see how you're doing, Maia. You've been sitting in your car for a while."

"You've just been watching me?"

Leonis grins, it's unexpected and beautiful. He has deep dimples in either cheek and briefly his eyes are gleaming.

"Not like that, Maia. I was ordering lunch for my family, waiting for it to be prepared. You waiting for someone?"

Maia shakes her head.

"No it's just me and the little guy."

Leonis nods slowly as if musing over this thoughts.

"If you don't mind me saying, Maia, you look incredibly tired."

Her eyes fill with tears. Leonis looks from his shoes to her.

"Oh no...I don't mean...I'm sorry that was horrible I just, I wanted to find out if you needed a ride home or wherever really."

Maia chews on her bottom lip, willing herself not to cry. She forces a smile.

"You've already helped me so much Leonis."

He shrugs. "I insist. If you don't mind the wait for the food I'd love to help you. Why don't you come sit inside with me?"

Maia glances into the window where Atlas is asleep. Leonis steps off the car.

"We can bring Atlas in too, Maia."

Leonis reaches forward and gently takes hold of her hand. Maia wipes again at her eyes as a tear escapes her cheek. Leonis takes a step forward and to both his and Maia's surprise he pulls her into a hug. Maia allows herself to be held by this man. His arms feel strong, sturdy and secure. Maia rests her head against his chest and his heart is beating steadily in his chest.

"Come, let me get Atlas out of the car and we can all go inside. It'll be quiet now once the breakfast rush is over."

Maia nods her head as she steps away from the security of Leonis' arms. She opens the back door explaining "he doesn't take to new people well, let me grab him." Maia lifts the car seat out of the car after unbuckling it. She eases it out of the car and Leonis takes hold of the handle with the same caution.

The two fall into stride alongside each other as they walk back into Ruth's. They sit at the same table that Maia sat at when she initially arrived at Ruth. Leonis sets the seat down with the sleeping baby on the table. Maia settles down into a seat beside him and the two sit in silence for what feels like a lifetime.

"Maia Barlow."

"Leonis Clayborne."


"Business owner."

There's silence again. Maia adjusts in her seat and clears her throat but Leonis remains silent.

"Why did you help me?" Maia eventually demands.

Leonis shrugs. "Not sure. I just...I don't know but I'm glad I did. I'm happy to meet you Maia Barlow. If I may...does Atlas have a father?"

Maia chuckles humourlessly. "I'm sure he does somewhere."

Leonis raises an eyebrow and Maia mimics him.

"Alright, I won't push. Tell me about your job. Do you teach high school or primary school?"

"Primary but I'm qualified for both. I prefer the younger children, those years where so much shapes them and how they see the world. They will remember if they had a good or bad primary school teacher, it's something that really stays with them. I have a class of about twenty at the moment and it's of course Monday through Friday eight to five but it's a never ending job. I'm just so excited that it will be winter soon and we'll have a holiday."

"You lit up talking about your job and the students. I wish I had a teacher like you at that age. So what's your subject? Or is it subjects?"

"No, just subject, english. I suppose what I miss about high school English is the literature. I studied it in great detail for some time and always thought that that's the path I would take. But there was an opening to teach and I applied. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"I'm happy that it's working out well for you."

"You're a man of few words, Leonis. Here I am rambling about myself and I know next to nothing about you."

Leonis smiles again. It's a flash and then it's gone. Atlas stirs and Leonis rocks the baby seat until he falls still again.

"I'm a quiet guy. But you're right I know a lot about you now. I'm a part owner of a club downtown. I manage the bouncers and security personnel. I have the opposite of your day actually."

Leonis bursts into a surprisingly lyrical laugh that Maia finds contagious. She lets a giggle slip too as Leonis grins. He continues speaking.

"My days are full from about four in the afternoon until about five in the morning. You deal with hyperactive kids and I deal with intoxicated adults. Interesting. But yeah I work every day except Sunday. And some days I like to come out here for breakfast. I have a big family so it's nice to get away just me for a little bit. Even if it's an hour or two."

Maia exhales loudly. "Oh that I can relate to. Needing time off. That's also why I came out here. It's my first time being here. I just loaded us up in the car and drove. I do that with him when he's being fussy. Like today."

"He's a beautiful boy."

"You're a man of few words," Maia states with a visible flush in her neck.

Leonis chuckles. "I am yes. I like talking to you." 

Tundra Book Two: LeonisWhere stories live. Discover now