23. Wings of Heaven

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"We meet again boy." Roque's eyes gleamed in amusement seeing Haris's struggle.

Haris tried to kick free but the giant was holding him by the neck.

"Let go of me." He choked out the words.

The giant only laughed. Bits of stinky saliva sprayed on Haris's face. His breathed smelled like rotten eggs and mud. There is truly no single thing that is pleasant on the giant. Not even a speck.

"Haris!" Serra ran her way to the giant, slashing her sword to Reapers and Badbloods, and dodging attacks.

Mira also dashed towards Roque. She screamed and halted when she felt a searing pain on her arm. She looked at her arm and saw a deep wound. Black blood poured out from it and it was fuming with black smoke. She turned and saw a Reaper snarling in front of her.

The Reaper attacked again with his razor claws and Mira ducked then flicked her hands. Grasses wrapped the Reapers and claw its way free. Rila appeared in front of Mira and sliced off the monster's head.

Mira screamed in pain. Her arm felt like burning and black lines like spider webs spread around the wound.
She remembers Sisi said once in the cave that Reaper's claws is lethal. It will kill you slowly, devouring your flesh from the inside.
She bit her lips.

"You need to go to Serra." Rila said worriedly.

"Go help Haris." She groaned. Her breath quicken and her heart started to falter. "I am fine." She lied. She was never fine and she will going die in a horrible death.

Rila hesitated before she ran towards the giant.

Serra had a hard time reaching Roque. Her path was blocked by Reapers and Badbloods. Haris will die if she'll got there late.
She heard a scream in the distance, a familiar voice. Her eyes shot around in panic and from the brewing battle she saw Mira on the ground. Her shoulder was bleeding with black blood, a Reaper's cut. It's bad. She will die in a minute.
Then a loud shout boomed through the crowd. Roque was pressing Haris's head into a thin sheet.

Serra's mind flew in panic. She stopped and shifted her eyes from Mira to Haris. They both need help and they're both in grave danger.

What will she do?

She saw Rila dashing towards Roque and so she ran towards Mira.

Her friend was screaming in pain and the dark essence of the abyss already scattered around the wound.
She ducked and rolled, dodging claws and swords.
She immediately took her friend's arm with her burning hand.

Mira gave her a surprised look. Sweat ran down her cheeks and her lips were shivering pale.

"I got you." Sere said hastily. "You're going to be fine."

The golden flame snaked through Mira's wound. The black lines around the wound evaporated into a black smoke and then the flesh on the cut sealed back into her skin, leaving only a pinkish scar.

Mira's heartbeat was back to its normal kick and her breathing was again harmonious. The color on her face also back to normal. Her beautiful blue eyes blinked in relief.


Serra's heart leaped. She got up and searched for that scream. She found Rila on the giant's feet. Her face was bloody and was hopelessly reaching her arms to Haris who lie limply on the bloody ground. Dead.

Serra's mouth flew open. Tears streaked down on her cheeks. Her voice trapped in her throat and her breathing became ragged.

Mira gasped behind her and was petrified in total shock.

Badblood (Badbloods, #1) [Completed, Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now