3. Reapers

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Maria was preparing their dinner, sautéed potatoes and carrots - again. The sound of the oil as it sizzle in the hot pan, sounds pleasing and soothing to Serra's ears. It was like music. The smell of carrots and potatoes dances in the air inside the cabin. Serra was used to that smell as she grow up eating it. She was few feet away from her mother, washing the dishes.
The sky was now dark and a crescent moon in a perfect sickle shape, shone brightly above. The wind was cold and humid, and the minty scent of the village mixed with the smell of the sautéed potatoes and carrots.

After their talk they headed out and prepared dinner. Serra felt a little bit light now. The thorns that wrapped her heart was loosen. There's still pain inside her but at least it's not as heavy as before.
She's still in awe after all the revelations and Serra's still in the process of absorbing them. Her father and mother were Badbloods. Does that mean she her sister were Badbloods too? But it isn't hereditary and she hoped and pray she isn't.
The water drips on the basin and it felt cold to her skin as she washed the used cups and plates. Her hand was busy as well as her mind. She thinks of Mira. How is she? Where is she now? Is she okay? Is she ... alive? The questions were like needles pinned to her heart.
She breathed. Mira's okay and safe. She's alive, Serra told herself hoping to feel relieved but failed. She remembered her mother said that the wounds inside the heart were the ones that are hard to heal.
She breathed again and tried hard to clear her mind, shove all the thoughts away.

The door opened and Rila entered, looking exhausted and unreadable. Her jacket was on her shoulders and the torch on her hand. Their shift must have ended. She strode forward in an awkward silent and put the torch on the corner. The patrol spears and other weapons were left on the weapon room near the captain's house but they can bring their torches at home. Everyone has torches. It is a must have since the Reapers are afraid of the fire. Not that they wish that Reapers will attack them but it was a sense of safety and readiness. It is the only thing that keeps them safe from the monsters since their weapons does no good to those creatures.

"The council has spoken of your punishment" Rila said in a totally dead dry voice. Serra and Maria suddenly stopped and turned to her. Water dripped in Serra's fingers. Rila sat on the chair and crossed her long legs, they were like spider limbs. "You will be watering the whole farm for the next four weeks" There was no hint of hesitation in her voice.

Serra flinched and her heart sank. "What?" she said in shock. She curled her hands into fist on her sides. "That's too much!"

Rila didn't answer. She just stare at her, poker face. But she knows in her eyes where words she would like to say. 'That's what you got for helping a monster. You deserve the punishment. Suffer with it'.
Rage starting to whirl inside her. It's unfair, she thought. She don't deserve such hard punishment for helping her friend. The farm was huge, there's large fields of potatoes, carrots, beans, tea, and others. Thinking of it already exhausted her.

"Well," Rila finally said. "It's not my decision. It's the council's."

Serra was about to protest but she realized there's no point. It was declared and she can't do anything about it but to follow. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw her mother with a thoughtful smile. She didn't say anything but her eyes spoke a lot.

Rila stood up and turn to her room.

"Don't you want to eat with us honey?" Maria said to Rila in her sweet calm voice.

"No" Rila answered without looking back at them. "I've eaten already". Then she closed her door with a snap.

Serra met her mother's eyes. "I'm so sorry honey" Maria said sadly. She knows her mother would help her in many ways but this time, she can't. The council will be furious if she interfere.
Her eyes started to glimmer as tears surfaced on them. She took a deep breath and tried to shove the tears away.

Badblood (Badbloods, #1) [Completed, Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now