13. Battle royale

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The crowd was very loud; everyone were cheering and shouting but Mira can't hear the noise as her mind was focused on Haris. Her breathing fasten and her heart raced inside her chest. It was all she could see: Haris standing at the center of the arena, looking scared and lonely. Mira's mind seemed to blow in pieces.

"He is alive" she whispered with a cry.

There was twenty of them. There were girls and boys of different ages. Haris still wore the same cloth he wore the day he left the village: a brown shirt but it looked ragged now and a pants.

Haris didn't changed that much since she last saw him in the village. The same handsome face, thick brows, curly brown hair, and hard lean body. He was still gorgeous as ever. But there's something odd in his expression that wasn't there before. She is quite far from him yet she could see him clearly. He's afraid, worried, and terrified.
Who wouldn't? They are surrounded by Badbloods and only the bloody skies know what they are about to do now.

Mira wanted to jumped down and hug him but forced herself not to. His life will be in more danger if Leni knows they knew each other. People like Leni loves to watch the struggle and agony of others. They gain satisfaction in the pain of other people. Sick beings.

Instead, Mira curled her fingers into fists. The rope sank deeper to her skin and blood dripped down to the pavement. The pain was nothing compared to the emotional pain stirring inside her.

"Haris" she whispered again, hoping the wind will bring her whisper to him.

She wanted Haris to look at her. She wants to see his eyes that she loved. She wanted him to know that she's there.

What will be his reaction if he see her? Will he be happy or terrified? Will he still love her if he knows the truth about Mira?

She shook her head and cleared her mind. Haris is alive and that is what's more important.

Mira heard Leni laughed sharply but she can't see Leni as they were behind her.

"Quiet!" Roque shouts, his rough voice echoed around the arena and the noise muted instantly. "Tonight, we will be having a battle royale!"

Everyone cheered in excitement and clapped their hands.

Mira's eyes didn't leave Haris and he looked terrified as ever. He was breathing hard as he glanced around him, searching everyone's faces.

Whatever the bloody hell a battle royale is, it is not good. Mira swallowed the worry she felt for Haris and for the others.

"Ugh, this is gonna be fun!" Leni said excitedly.

Roque continued. "We have twenty participants that will fight for their lives. The rule is simple, kill or be killed! The last man standing will be declared as winner".

The arena was filled with loud cherring and excitement. But the participants of the event were crying.

Mira's head seemed to blow up as the words keep echoing in her mind. They gonna kill each other. Haris.....

It was like her heart was wrapped tightly with a thorned vines, wounding and squeezing her heart in agony. She couldn't breath as she thought of the possibility that Haris might die, worse in front of her eyes.

"No..No" she whispered hopelessly. Her voice was concealed by the loud noise of the audience. 

"Leni!" Niko protested. "Stop this! There are women and children below! They're gonna kill them" Niko's voice was almost like pleading.

Leni turned to him and smiled. "And?" she glared at him, brows furrowed.

"Are you crazy?" Niko glared back. "Can you not show mercy even once?"

Badblood (Badbloods, #1) [Completed, Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now