CHAPTER 40: Broken Hearts [✔]

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The continuation...

"I'M sorry, Tyler. But I can't be with a loser like you." Those words coming from Freeda shocked everyone, including Nathan and I.

"What do you mean by that?" Tyler asked.

"I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore. You're such a cheater. And I'm not coming back to someone who's not as interested as he is last year."

Everyone was terrified, witnessing the rejection of our school bad boy from the cheerleader captain, Freeda Samson. They can't possibly believe what is happening, and most of them are holding on to the last string of hope that Freeda can still change her mind if ever. But it didn't happened. Then again, I remembered that not all set ups could lead into a brighter side of things... Some just ended up like this... To ruin each other's reputation just like what happened to Becca and our dear friend, Scott. But even so, only one question remain in my mind... Why do Freeda needs to publicly humiliate Tyler if she can just say no privately later on today?

"You know, screw this confession..." Tyler walked out from the Cafeteria, before Freeda and her squad continue to eat like nothing just happened.

"Wow... That was... Entertaining, I guess," Nathan stated, chuckling.

Though I didn't laugh. I could feel Tyler's pain, and Nathan should be the first one to understand how it feels because he already accepted a rejection from me. He should give him some sympathy, and not laugh at him. When he realized that I'm staring blankly at him, he took a sip from his juice before asking me once again.

"Are you alright, Nat? Did I say something wrong?"

"Nothing, Nat. I was just hoping for you to give your sympathy to Tyler since what he'd just experienced is not a joke."

"Come on, don't take that so seriously, Nat."

I shook my head, before leaving him behind. Ever since that scenario, the two of us never had an encounter once again even after our class ended. Scott is still nowhere to be found so there's no reason for Nathan and I to talked to each other right now.

The next morning, I came to school alone, hoping that I could see Scott today. The other day was a very stressful day. I mean, Scott miserably failed for twice now in confessing his feelings to Becca, same as Tyler... Who on the other hand, confessed his love for Freeda in front of the whole school... Which turns out to be an epic failure of the year. He got publicly humiliated by the girl he loves. How could she do that? Doesn't she have any conscience left? Poor Tyler... All he ever wanted to do was to be with Freeda, and I could see how sincere he is.

I was walking down the hallway of our school when I saw a glimpse of a man, sitting at the corner below the staircase of the building. Curiosity strikes again and I instantly broke one of the most unfollowed rule in my manual. That is rule number seventeen, "Never meddle in anyone's life."

"Tyler?" I asked, as I could finally see his face.

"What are you doing here?" He glared at me.

Instead of fear, I suddenly feel sorry for him. These past few days, he became a good acquaintance to me, and I think it's finally time for me to help him back.

"Nothing... I was just passing by when I... Saw you here."

"Leave me alone," he thrifty stated.

"No, I won't. I think you need my help. Do you need anything?" I asked him, before kneeling in front of him.

"No. Just leave, Natalia. What do you think you're doing, huh?" His brows furrowed.

"I wanted to stay here, with you."

"How many times do I have to tell you this, huh? I said, I don't need your help, Carter." I could hear how firm his voice was.

"But you do! You're just scared to admit it-"

"I said fucking leave me alone!" he shouted, before pushing me on my shoulders.

And since I was kneeling, I've been surprised by his sudden aggressiveness causing me to stumble and fell onto the ground, my bottom hitting the hard cement. I nearly cried, not because I got physically hurt but because this is the first time that I tried to be brave and offer my help for someone, but then, it got badly rejected. A bead of tear escaped from my left eye, causing me to stop moving for a moment to contain myself.

"S-sorry... I just wanted to help..." I sobbed.

When I looked up to face Tyler, I could see how guilty he is for doing this to me. He looked stunned, maybe unable to believe what he have done to me. Before I could even say another word, he eventually helped me up, letting me stand up from the cold floor. I avoided his gaze, even though his hands are already around my waist, giving support for me not to fall down again.

"I'm fine now, Tyler. Don't worry about me," I stated.

I was about to say something more when all of the sudden, he gave me a hug. A tight and warm embrace. His face was buried on my neck, and I could feel that he's crying right now. I knew for my hair started to get wet because of his tears.

"Tyler..." I trailed off, unable to do or say anything.

"I'm sorry, Natalia. I shouldn't have done that to you," he whispered to my ears.

"I get it... Don't worry... I know that you're just mad because of what happened yesterday... I understand. I just badly wanted to offer my help," I assured him.

"Thank you... But as long as you're around, that's already enough. You don't have to ask me if something is wrong."

He pulled away from his hug, before looking at me. And then his fingers traveled into my cheeks, removing the loose hair strands on my face by putting it behind my ear.

"There... Sorry for disturbing your day."

"You're not a disturbance, Tyler. I mean, I'm always open for my friends."

"Friends? Am I your friend?" he asked me, looking surprised.

"Yeah... I think so. That's what I think, but the decision still depends on you." He smiled, before pinching my nose.

"Who wouldn't want to be your friend? I mean, your nice and everything... Thank you for this day, Natalia Carter."

"You're welcome. You can always ask me for something. I think I should probably go now," I bid my farewells to him.

"Sure. Again, thanks a lot. And sorry for what happened earlier."

"That's fine... I'll go ahead. See you around."

"See you."

And with that, I continue to walk towards our office, with a wide smile plastered upon my face for apparently no reason at all. When I entered to our office, I was surprised to see two of my boy friends, Nathan and Scott, was finally there already.

"Scott! You're finally here!"

He was staring blankly ahead, before Nathan stop me in midway of hugging him.

"Let us just let him think for a while, Nat," he advised me.

I just nodded, before I remembered that Scott just faced another rejection from Becca yesterday, just like what happened to Tyler. I couldn't do anything but to just sigh, thinking how many hearts had been broken down yesterday.

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