CHAPTER 39: The Set Ups [✔]

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TODAY is finally the day of our set ups for Scott and Becca. We already prepared plan A to Z if ever that he failed to say his feelings again, and we are just going to stop if Becca said it herself... That she doesn't want to do anything with Scott which hopefully, would not happen to our dear friend.

"He's here! Scott is walking towards our office!" Nathan exclaimed all of the sudden, before dragging me towards the small cabinet in our office.

After we entered, we closed its doors shut, before we waited for Scott to enter the office. When he did, he sat down on the small couch, looking around the place as if he was searching for us. When he couldn't, he sighed, before his eyes turned into our direction, making Nathan and I to be held back.

Nathan held my shoulders, pulling me away from the hole where we are looking at Scott. Thankfully, he didn't see us. But Nathan and I are currently crumpled like a paper here. He held me as if our lives depend on it. When I turned around, my heart skip a beat as I realized how close we are to each other right now.

"Nat..." I trailed off, unable to tell him anything.

"Sorry..." he whispered, before moving away from me.

Silence remained reigning at that moment, not until someone entered into the office. The sound of her shoes... It was familiar. Surely, it was her, and I couldn't be wrong. It's finally Becca!

"Quick! She's here. Text Scott right now!" I told Nathan.

"Sure, sure... Here it goes..." He typed several words in the keyboard of his phone, before grinning at my direction. "And done."

"Are you sure? I think he haven't received it yet!" I complained, whispering.

"Just wait for it... Wait for it... Here it goes!"

We both looked through the small hole, peaking a view to Scott and Becca who's now both sitting at the couch. Scott looked into his phone, before his face became unexplainable. He started to look sweaty, as if he was nervous.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him to finally confess his feelings and I even call him a lover boy," Nathan stated before chuckling.

"Nathan!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh! Quiet! I think I heard something. They are talking!"

And without any more words, we shut our mouths so that we can finally listen to their conversation.

"Becca... Do you like anything? I mean, coffee?"

"Nope, thank you. I mean, I'm not a visitor here, Scott. I'm an officer as well. You don't have to treat me differently from Nathan and Natalia," Becca stated, making it harder for Scott to confess.

"You've noticed it..." Scott said, making Nathan and I surprised.

"Noticed 'what' exactly, Scott?" Becca asked him, confused.

"How I treated you differently from them. And Becca, don't you know the reason why? I mean, the reason behind that? Because I'm pretty sure that you could feel it, specially if you already noticed about how I treated you," Scott demanded, making Nathan and I stopped in awe.

"I'm sorry but I don't get your point here, Scott," Becca stated.

"I like you... Nope, scratch that. I love you, Becca Valle," he confessed.

I gasped, and Nathan automatically put his hand on my mouth to stop me from creating any more noise.

"He did it," Nathan whispered into my ears, so close that I can already feel his breath on my neck.

"Scott... Why are you even telling me this?"

"I like you when I first saw you in our freshman years. That is why I wanted to befriend Natalia, because you are so close to her before. I never expected that our squad would consume too much of my heart, and I knew for a fact I love the three of you. But the reason why I entered our squad will always be there, and that is you," he lengthy explained.

"I'm sorry, Scott. But I don't really like you. You know that I like Nathan, right? And that will never change, even in a thousand years..."

And without any more words, Becca walked out of the room, then Scott came running as well, following her. Nathan and I was left there, hiding in the same cabinet that we were five minutes ago. We decided to came out, before Nathan look at me in a confused face.

"Okay, I didn't expect that to happen," he stated.

"Me too... I never thought that Becca likes you so much to the point that he will say that in front of Scott's face."

"Though you knew that we never intended to hurt him, right?"

"Yeah... Our intentions are pure... We just wanted to help him confess his feelings," I assured Nathan.

"What do you think will happen next? Should we follow them?"

"I think it would be best if we let them have their privacy. I'm sure that Scott and Becca would be able to talk things through..." I decided.

Nathan nodded, before we continued doing our jobs. But that decision of mine, I instantly regret it after a few more minutes. Because our lunch time came, but none of the two ever came back to the office. We found out that Becca didn't want to stay with us for today, while Scott skipped all of his morning subjects. I wonder what happened between the two of them.

"I guess we will have to wait for tomorrow to find out what happened," Nathan stated, as the two of us sat down in the Cafeteria table.

"I guess so... I just wanted to give Scott a hug."

Nathan brows suddenly furrowed for no reason at all, before shaking his head. I ignored him, because my eyes were already focused on something else. And it was Tyler, together with Jake Echarri, the lead vocalist of our school band started singing in front of Becca, only for the whole school to witness!

"Uhm... What is happening there, Nat?" I asked my bestfriend. Nathan look at me, before sighing.

"Apparently they wanted to serenade Freeda or maybe something like that," he bluntly stated.

I watched, as Tyler and Jake began to sing. I didn't expect that Tyler can sing like that. I mean, his voice... It was full of love and passion. I wonder if Freeda could finally forgive him after doing this.

After Tyler and Jake sang, the whole Cafeteria remained in silent, observing and waiting for what will happen next. But to our surprise, something bad happened... Something unexpectedly unacceptable for Freeda and Tyler's fans.

"Freeda, will you be my girlfriend?" Tyler asked, hopeful.

"I'm sorry, Tyler. But I can't be with a loser like you," Freeda answered, gaining a gasp for most of the audience.

To be continued...

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