CHAPTER 06: Parties? [✔]

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         FOR some reasons, I didn’t enjoy weekends like how I supposed to be. Maybe it’s because of the fact that I wanted to give this bracelet back to Freeda, hoping that I could make friends with her or something. But it wasn’t that easy, right after knowing that Tyler is following her around like some creepy stalker.

“Hey, Nat! Did you even understand what I’m saying?”

         I came back to my senses, my mind suddenly focus onto the reality when I heard Nathan snaps his fingers.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“I thought you wanted to watch some movies over my house later?”

“Uhm... Maybe next time, Nat. I need to do something.”

“And what exactly is that something, huh?”

“Nothing...” He stared at me, causing me to become uncomfortable. That look in his eyes is urging me to tell him the truth. “What I mean is... School works, Nathan.”

“Really? But our teachers doesn’t give homeworks during weekends.”

         I bit my lower lip, thinking how am I supposed to escape in this silly conversation of ours.

“It’s nothing, really. And why do you evencare anyway?”

“Of course I care! I’m your nerd bestfriend, remember? So what is it?” he asked, curiously.

          I sighed, before glancing at his direction. I hope he would be satisfied in my answer because I wouldn’t want to tell him everything I feel specially when I saw Tyler’s arm around Freeda’s shoulder.

“Do you know a girl named Freeda from our school?”

“Nope? Who is that girl anyway?”

“Oh. You don’t know her so I guess it doesn’t even matter to you anymore.”

         I was about to get up when he pulled my hands to make me stop. I did, and I loss my balance causing me to sit on his lap.

“Hey!” I pushed him away and scoot farther from him.

“What? It was an accident.”

“Oh. Accident, huh? What if I punched you in the face and tell you that it was just an accident?” I fired back.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Just please, spill it. I’m dying to hear your story.”

“What kind of guy loves to gossip, anyway?”

“Tsssk.” He glared at me.

“Fine, fine. So there was this girl named Freeda. I bumped into her last Friday and she dropped something. A bracelet, Nat, to be specific. And when the moment that I finally got the chance to give it back to her, I couldn’t do it anymore....”


“Tyler was there, his arms around her shoulder.”

“Oh. You mean Tyler the bad boy? Maybe they are dating or what.”

“Dating?! What do you mean? We are just fourteen, Nathan!”

“It’s normal for our age. So, what’s the matter now?”

“Of course I’m afraid to talk to her specially when Tyler is around.”

“Why? Are you infatuated by our school’s cold hearted bad boy?” he teased.

“Nope! I am not! In fact, I’m scared of him! Look at his awful glare!” I cried.

“Don’t be too afraid of him. Bad boys in our school doesn’t harm someone as long as they stay out of their way.”

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now