CHAPTER 32: The Student Council [✔]

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        OUR adviser told us that before we ended this school year, we need to select our student council committee. Now that we are already sophomores, we could finally joined in the election and even participate in the campaign... If ever that we wanted to join.

“Nat, would you like to join in the student council?” I asked to Nathan, while laying down on his bed.

        We are now in his room, just came home from school. Nathan is playing some video games on his computer, while I’m currently laying down on his bed doing apparently nothing at all.

        He looked at me after he heard my statement, before chuckling like what I’ve just told him is a crazy idea.

“What?” I asked, confusedly.

“Are you insane? Why would I like to join in the student council? I mean, being a member means having a huge responsibility...”

“Not when you have someone to help you,” I stated, flashing a devilish grin over his direction.

“And what exactly are you proposing? Do you want to be a part of our student council?”

          I gulped, before looking up, thinking for a moment. I mean, being a part of the student council in Jackson High wasn’t so bad at all, I guess. And if ever that I’ve been elected as a member, I will propose a project that could lessen the bullies in our school... In that way, no other students like me will have to stick to their manual... Or any rules at all.

“Maybe... I’m not sure, yet. And I wouldn’t win even if I did try it. I just wanted to experience it, Nat.”

“Then why don’t you try and run for the position of president?”

“I don’t want to be a president!” I exclaimed. “I just wanted to be a member, not a leader. The only problem was, no party list will ever get me...”

        I sighed. If Nathan doesn’t want to participate, I couldn’t too. Because I know that no party list will ever include me in their candidates. And besides, I’ve heard that Freeda will run as the president of our school so I wasn’t planning on running against her for that chosen position.

“Then let us build our own party list... No one wants to fight Freeda, so I guess we will have to try,” Nathan stated, making my eyes widen.

“Really?! Thank you, Nat! I love you so much!”

         I run over him to give him a tight hug. I felt him stiffened, so I looked up, badly wanted to know what is his reaction. He’s currently blushing, and I don’t know why. And then I realized something. Maybe because of the fact that I told him those forbidden phrase... Even I got instantly blushed after realizing what I just did. I moved away, smiling at him sheepishly.

“Sorry...” I stated.

           He avoided my eyes before he averted it back to his computer. He continued the paused game before yawning, and I grabbed that as an excuse that I need to go home right now.

“Hey, I think you’re already tired. I’m gonna head home right now,” I stated.

         He turned his gaze upon me, looking like he doesn’t want me to go yet. But I knew he couldn’t say anything right after those weird moments happened earlier.

“S-Sure,” he muttered under his breath, sounding disappointed. “Do you want me to walk you home?” he offered.

“No, no. I’m fine. Just go and get some sleep. You look tired, Nat. I’ll just see at you at school tomorrow, okay?”

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя