CHAPTER 20: The Encounter [✔]

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          SHOOT. I don’t know why I chose this outfit, but maybe because I was trying to impress Nathan as well. In fact, Mom bought this bikini specially just for this summer get away. I don’t want to waste her effort and money in buying this one but I also don’t want to let the people saw everything about my body. I have a great insecurities about that, just like any other normal teenager.

         I’m wearing a two piece bikini... Topped by a fashionable white dress that I could instantly remove if ever that I wish to swim in the ocean.

“Natalia? Where are you, dear?”

          I covered myself using my hands when Aunt Jessica suddenly entered into our room. And yes, we rented only one room for the three of us to save some budget.

“Oh, you’re changing... I’m sorry, dear.”

         But she didn’t bother to look away, for maybe she realized that I’m now fully dress with my beach outfit. She removed my hands from hugging myself before she looked at me in awe from head to toe.

“Whoah! You’re really pretty! Your Mom and I wouldn’t have any regrets in choosing that bikini for you.”

“What?! You chose this with my Mom?” I asked, surprised.

“Of course... Now don’t be shy with me. I’ve known you since you were a baby. Nathan and you are always taking a bath together when you were a child, remember?”

        I closed my eyes, before pinching the bridge of my nose. Why does she have to tell about that thing me? I mean, I was fully alert that those things happened because Nathan and I known each other even before we became a fetus...  But, really? We are teenagers now, and saying that in front of our faces will cause an unbearable shame towards us.

“Hey, why are you smiling to yourself?” Aunt Jessica asked, afraid that I might be loosing my mind.

“Nothing... I just... You know. Nathan and I are teenagers now, Aunt Jessica. Please don’t make us remember all of those stuffs,” I stated, chuckling out of embarrassment.

“Okay, okay...” She laughed. “Though come on now, Nat. It’s a beach. You don’t have to be worried about being exposed. We are living on a liberated country...” she exclaimed before pulling me out of the room.

        I was left with no choice but to come with her, before seeing Nathan taking a swim near the bay. Aunt Jessica pointed his direction to me before leaving us to get some drinks, I guess.

         I sat on the sand, staring at Nathan. He’s not the same skinny boy I used to know before, just like what he’d said earlier. Though he’s still my bestfriend, the only that changed is his physical features.

          Maybe he’s right. He worked so hard to achieve this new shape of him. As he splashed himself at the cold waves of sea water, I could observe how his body changed a lot. His shoulders are now broader, and his muscles are now bigger than before. He’s topless, so I’ve got a free pass to look at him as much as I want.

“Hey Nat!” he shouted, making me come back to my senses.

        I wanted to slap myself for thinking those silly things earlier. I mean, how can I stare at my bestfriend that way? Nathan is sweet and nice. I shouldn’t have taking that moment on for granted.

“Drooling over me, huh?” Nathan asked, walking towards me.

           He shook his head, making the water from his head to splash all over the place. I wiped my face before answering him.

Natalia's High School Manual [COMPLETED ✔]Where stories live. Discover now