CHAPTER 16: Weird Moments [✔]

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           ANOTHER months passed by, and we just found ourselves having the last month of our freshmen year... Just a little bit closer and we will be finally sophomores. That was a good thing for us, I guess. For we will not be the lowest grade level here in Jackson High. We won’t be bullied that much anymore.

           Though, speaking of bully. Ever since Scott defended me to his cousin, Tyler never bug me ever again. It was like he’s my real knight and shining armor... He made the bullies stop... Even Freeda and her little squad.

           On the other hand, Becca is still acting so weird... And what I mean by that is she’s not talking to me that much and she wasn’t that loud anymore... Ever since that day in the amusement park, that is by the way, already a few months ago from now.

“Hey, Becca... Are you alright?” I asked.

          It was like the world flipped around, and I’m the one who’s always initiating a conversation now. Nathan and Scott doesn’t care about our little dramas in life so I was the one carrying all this little piece of misunderstanding between Becca and I.

“I’m fine... It’s just that... You know. I can’t believe that this school year is now coming to an end. It feels like it was only yesterday when I met you and Scott and... Nathan.”

         I guess that was her longest statement since that day at the amusement park.

“Yeah... Me too. When Nathan and I first went into this school, I thought no one will ever talk to me. But you came... And Scott... I’m very thankful because of that.”

           For the first time since that day again, I saw her smile, a real one. She then patted my shoulder, before looking up at the boys who are now messing with each other.

            Our lunch ended as peaceful as we wanted it to be, before Scott and I went to our afternoon classes. Becca and Nathan went to their respective classrooms too.

“Hey, Nat. Our teacher told me that before this year ends, we are going to have a dance festival... You know, every freshmen join in that kind of event.”

“Well I guess that wasn’t so bad after all. I mean, I rather dance than to play volleyball.” He chuckled at my response.

“Only for one thing. We are going to have a collaboration with all the sections of freshmen students.”

“What?!” I asked, stunned by the fact that there is a chance that Tyler and Freeda will be on the same team as us.

“Hey, don’t worry that much. Nathan and I are here to watch for your back...”

         I chuckled to myself before following him into our classroom. Our classes started, but I can’t help but to think about that dance festival that Scott told me about. Not until our teacher announced the details about it, only confirming Scott’s statements earlier.

“I told you...” he whispered into my ears.

            That day passed by in a blink of an eye. The next week, we just found ourselves sitting on the floor of the gymnasium, waiting for our dance instructors to teach us what to do.

“Come on, kids! Pick out your partner! I mean now...” He clapped his hands to wake our senses.

            Nathan instantly got into my direction. Scott was picked out by one of her classmates in Biology... It’s Elyzz. Though I’ve got a feeling that he wanted to be Becca’s partner. Lia, on the other hand, was paired up with her twin, Liam Valle.

“Okay, who haven’t got a partner yet?” he asked.

         Becca raised her hand, looking blankly at Nathan and I. There was something inside of me that’s urging me to tell our instructor that Becca should be paired up with Nathan, and I should sacrifice myself instead. But as soon as I saw another hand raising from the crowd, I instantly hesitate to do the heroic sacrifice thing.

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