“Never mind I think I know already. I too had a little chat with those three lost boys.” I stated, crossing my legs as I did so. Lottie raised her eyebrow.

“Really? What did you find out?” She asked seriously.

I racked my brain and realized that I had learned almost nothing.

“Well uh.. the know your alive.” I stated. Lottie gave me a glare hinting that she was becoming annyed of my games.

“Okay, okay. So they found out that you are invisible and that the mermaids have something to do with it.” I replied.

“Mom you already knew this stuff! We are no where near close enough to get Henry. All the boys said to me is that Pan is at his tree house and that the camp can not be attacked without someone with great power.” She replied frustrated. I jumped up and turned to her excitedly.

“You have no idea how valuable that information is that you just told me.” I stated with a small smile.

“I don’t even know where his magic tree house is!” She replied. I pointed to myself and grinned.

“I do.” Lottie smiled and chuckled.

“Are you going to pay him a visit?” I nodded and started to grab my bag by the tree.

“But of course. I need to catch up with my imp of a friend. See how being an evil dictator has been like while I was gone, Seeing how many other girls he impaled with poisoned knives… You know, the good stuff.” I said turning back to the river.

“Wait! Mom.” Lottie called out. I turned around and saw that she was playing with her hands nervously again.

“Aren’t you going to make me go back to the group?” I chuckled.

“What good has that group been to us Lottie? Do what you want but don’t get killed. I’m going to see what Pan is up too. Meet me at the cove by morning.” I said, turning back to my path.

“Thanks mom!” I heard her call after me. I smiled and started to run again through the forest. This time, my destination was Pan’s tree house.

**A few minutes later**

Pan’s tree ‘house’ was as much a house as a rock. Unless you were Patrick Star, a rock was not your home. At least, that was what I thought in the beginning. But then I realized that he wouldn’t hide Henry in place so dear to him as that.

He was going to place him in an actual tree house. Two houses came to mind. Tinkerbelle’s tree house and mine.

He wouldn’t go near Tinks house, knowing that the group might reparty there. But my old tree house was still open..

I knew the way to my tree house like the back of my hand, even though I had not been here for a few decades. When I came to the corner turn I stiffened, feeling someone’s presence near me. As if someone was watching me from up above.

I turned the corner and found the guy himself standing in the middle of the clearing with his arms crossed and his hands crossed in front of him. He held the same bright spark in his eyes that made him look like he was always up to something and he held his normal annoying smirk as well. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw him. It felt like old times.

“Well look who it is.” Pan started. I started to walk forward ever so slightly but Pan stood still.

“I’m amazed you didn’t meet me at the beach again like last time. I missed your company Pan.” I replied. Pan laughed.

“I’m sure you did. But as you can tell, I was busy.”

“Oh yes, I’ve heard you’ve been stabbing people, to be exact you stabbed my daughter. That’s a bit low for you Pan don’t you think?” I asked with fake concern. Pan rolled his eyes.

“She earned it. But I must say she looks exactly like you. Thankfully she doesn’t act like you because that would have been annoying but still, I always like having one of you blondes around on my island.” He replied. I raised my eyebrow in a mocking manner.

“Oh really? Felix not covering it for you anymore?”

“No not after you played target practice.” He replied. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh please Pan, you made me go through that way before it was cool. I was just returning the favor to your favorite lost boy.” I replied with a smile. Pan chuckled.

“What are you doing here Alex? You should be home with your young son… Sam is it?” He asked, giving another dark grin. I stopped smiling.

“So you do know where I lived. Tell me, why let my daughter join you lost boy clan if you knew who she was?” I asked. He shrugged.

“I wanted to see what she was like. She is pretty.” He said jokingly.

“Oh you dirty-“

“Come on Alex I’m just kidding. Your daughter is as ugly as you.” He replied. I gave him a fake smile.

“Wow you warm my heart Pan.” I said mockingly. He chuckled.

‘So where is Henry? Are you really going to use him as your truest believer spell?” I asked, turning serious again. Pan shrugged.

“Obviously. I wouldn’t need to do it if it wasn’t for you though.” He stated eyeing me. I stopped walking and crossed my arms.

“Don’t put all the blame on me Pan. I had no choice. You should have just let Emmy and I go and we would have all lived happily ever after. You being the evil dictator that you are and me being the spunky mom.” I replied. Pan shook his head.

“It’s so weird to see you as a mother.” He replied. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t play that game. I know about your son Pan. That is way worse then you finding out I am a mother. At least I didn’t give them up for youth.” I replied. Pan looked darkly at me for a moment but then the expression cleared.

“Oh but Alex, you have done so. Don’t you know the power of Neverland?” I looked at him weirdly.

“Yeah of course. Young forever.” I replied. Pan shook his head.

“Not just that.  Any adult who comes on this island, especially ones with young hearts like yours, start to turn young again.” I looked at him strangely.

“Last I checked I am not sixteen again.” I replied matter-a-factly. Pan rolled his eyes again.

“Well you do look younger then you did when you first came on this island this visit.” He replied. I glared at him.

“Thanks Pan for Noticing I no longer have wrinkles on my face. You make me feel so young.” I stated sarcastically. Pan chuckled.

“Say what you like. But what I say is true. Now, sorry to be so rude but I must leave. I have plans you see, like staying young forever and being an evil dictator as you called it.” He said giving me one final smile. I looked at him confused.

“What do you mean?”

He waved his hand and next moment a wind came over me and he was gone.

 Hello everyone!

Here is a new chapter. Tell me the truth on this question I have for you.

Is it obvious just by what Alex says that her mind is becoming younger like she was at 16? If not I will have to make her more sarcastic or actually explain what she looks like but if you can tell that she is diffrent from the beginning of this book to now then good.

I had fun writing this chapter because it has been awhile since Pan and Alex had a little chat.

What do you guys think?

Lots of Love


Militant (Sequel to Warrior)Where stories live. Discover now