The steep climb took two hours. When Joilee arrived, it was an alien-structured monastery. Joilee recognized the design from her history lessons. The monastery is of the Prambanan design. The infrastructure was more advanced in design as the infrastructure was more of a metallic structure. When Azulean escorts Joilee Mantiko, Jembere, and Depashe to the temple's outer gates, they are met with no resistance.

Many of the residents seemed to be in a prayer or meditation-like state as they chanted mantras, chorus, and hymns that resonated throughout the temple.

Joilee preceded to enter the gates, but Azulean had blocked her path. Mantiko explained to Joilee that the place she stood was holy ground.

"Santun Matreal Chi Tao al! Which meant; the Holy mother of all. To enter requires to be invited. Indeed Joilee was when a female Sierrian who was much taller than any Sierran approached the gates. Her name was Matreal Lakemshi Yemenye. Matreal wore long white clothing that had an alien mantra design. It was similar to a Deel. As for headdress, it was also similar to the Ordos tribe in Central Asia.

Joilee recognized all those designs as they shared similarities with the ancient Mongolian people. It was like the other natives of the planet. Likewise, they shared similarities with the Earth's extinct ancient culture, which she only viewed in history logs.

As Joilee pondered the shared traditions between Earth and Sierran natives, all the male Sierran fell to their knees. Their head focused on the ground to show reverence.

"Welcome sky visitor Joilee to Pineausun Kalusuxes Temple. I have patiently been waiting for you."

"You know my name?"

"All Sierran's are aware of your presence whether they have laid eyes on you or not," Matreal replied. Then, the Matreal looked at Mantiko and the others who were kneeling.

"My sons, you all may go back home."

"What about Joilee? I promised to stay with her," Mantiko replied.

"You know that you are not permitted unless they seek the knowledge of new wonders."

"I must stay with Joilee,"

"Don't be disrespectful," Jembere replied.

"He is right; never argue with the Matreal, have you no honor," Depashe stated.

"No, it's okay, my son. Such devotion to a stranger of our world is pleasing to my sight."

"So that means I can stay."

"No, but when the time comes, I'll allow you to come for her when she is ready!"

"When I am ready?"

"Yes, there is the knowledge you seek; rather, it is knowing and unknowingly."

"How long will it take."

"Your path to inner knowledge takes as long as you want."

Joilee looked at Mantiko with a sincere look.

"Mantiko, it's okay. I will come back to your village when Matreal determines when I am ready."

Mantiko looked at Joilee with a sad look.

"I will do as you say."

"Before you come with me, You must leave everything you brought from your world at the gate," Matreal replied.

Joilee looked at her Palmer before powering down the device and handing it to Mantiko.

"Hold on to this from me!"

"I'll guard it with my all!"

"That is not necessary!"

"Allow you all to camp here for a few days. You will be fed. After the third solaria cycle, you all will depart," The Matreal stated to the male Sierrans. The Matreal led Joilee inside the city gates while Mantiko looked like a Joilee. Joilee looked back at Mantiko; she felt empathy for Mantiko, as she had grown fond of his friendship.

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