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Palmer Video Log

Dr. Joilee Reyna James

January 21st, 2460

Weeks after a hostile meeting with the Adarun people, we were directed to Danjal territory. Dapashe knew where the land resided and set sail for the land of the Danjal. It was a long barrish journey, and I was suffering from an upset stomach. I guess the Palmer did not give a full analysis of the native seafood I ate. Luckily, the Biosign monitor that was the size of a grain of rice implanted in my arm before I left earth detected the foreign substance in my body. After a day of dispelling the toxins in my body, I would not dare to eat any creature from the water. Nevertheless, I had a lot of the food that the Sequetal people had grown on their own land.

After weeks of sailing on the open ocean, we docked in a desert-like region. The sand was of a dark crimson color, and the skies no long-held their pinkish hue. Yet, the nebular changed the color spectrum of the t atmosphere to an indigo color. However, unlike the Sahara desert, this barren land was cold but still held its desolate landscape. When Joilee and her are docked at the Danjail port, they restocked their food supplies, including heavier clothes for the freezing desert climate.

The food supplies were animal venison cooked in somewhat heavy animal fat. Interestingly, many cultures living in extremely cold climates cooked food high in fat throughout Earth history. This diet was used for extra calories and was a great way to provide body heat. However, I was going to be more cautious. I have gotten relaxed eating the food on this planet. I forgot to test everything with my Palmer. Never again! To my luck, the food is edible. It was a bit gamey. I wish I had gravy cube from a ration pack, but I guess luxury was not a necessity. As a matter of fact, living in luxury was non-existent, except for what the E.G.C.

As for the clothes, the weaving is amazing for keeping the body warm. It was a weaving mixture with t desert plant flower, they call the bercatan. This flower is a thermogenic plant that produces heat. The clothes that were made from the fibers were light, but they kept me warm. Joilee was given a hood dress that had a see-through veil to protect her face. The palmer scans stated the clothes produce at least 4000 BTU/per hour. It was like wearing a sauna, but it kept me warm. After acquiring a few traveling packs to hold our inventory, we were on our way.

After we had prepared for our journey, we made our way to see the tribe of the Danjal. We were directed to cross the blue desert called the Khionejei Valley, the indigo Zetheseji plateau, the coldest Danjal region, and the Calisal Oasis. The natives said that the oasis was the most fertile region as the hot springs allowed vegetation to prosper. It was a five-day journey on foot. Me, Mantiko, Jerexule, and Dapashe made our way to the oasis.


Crossing the Blood sands of Danjal

Joilee and her escorting party made their way to the beginning edge of the Khionejei Valley. The Palmer read that it was at least 30 degrees. Joilee activated Palmer's climate scan. The further into the desert, the climate would drop to a negative 10 degrees. However, with thermogenic clothing, it was twenty degrees warmer. As Joilee tracked the desert, she and her crew felt they had phenomenal experiences with their clothes. The more the temperatures dropped in climate, the clothes would produce more B.T.U.'s. The plant fibers seem to have a resistant effect of producing more heat when detecting climate change. This is how the bercatan survive the harsh weather.

During the days, the temperature reached as high as -5 degrees, and at night it dropped to -20 degrees. The adventures were able to seek shelter with tent-like covering that they draped over themselves to protect themselves from the onslaught of freeze sand storms.

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