Chapter 3

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After a three-day journey, the Oldumare arrived at the Plutonian space station called the Oasis. From a window; Joilee observes the space station orbiting the cold dark planet. Once the ship initiated the docking procedures, the crew reported to their designated divisions. Next, Joilee went through the security checkpoint procedures in the docking bay. A security officer scanned Joliee's sub-dermal biosigns Monitor in her arm. Her military credentials, medical records, and her current health condition; displayed on a Palmer tablet. Once Joilee was permitted to go through, she took an elevator to the space station's residential area.

The residential area is a haven. The ceiling's holographic projector portrayed a sunny blue sky. The housing and recreational area were designed similar to Central Park. The pond was filtered and treated water from the ice from Pluto. The cloned trees and grass ensured the production of oxygen for its habitat. With the process of osmosis and distillation, drinking water was abundant.

Even though the residential architectural design was a garden paradise, technology still showed its dominance. Maintenance drones maintain the facility. Even television monitors lined the walls for communications and entertainment. Joilee caught a glimpse of a news story about civil unrest governmental biodomes on Earth.

There has been riots and protests in Dubai, Vancouver, and Salt Lake City biodomes. There was an uproar of accusations of mistreatment against the Citizen's division. Outcries mistreatment of extended work hours, reduced break time, and demands of increased production rate have been known.

The cosmocratic government supports has been mistreatment the workers for many years. The news report claims the military police had quickly peacefully subdued the crowd. The new report stated that the riot was caused by a terrorist group called Sovereign Liberty. Two of the crew members were watching the story. One of the crew got upset hearing about the protest.

"Fucking terrorists! They are going to ruin everything that we are trying to build."

"Those protestors should be lined up in the streets and shot in the head," Joilee smirked

"Save the bullets. Have their asses jettison into space," her crewmate laughed.

"You nut, anyway see you in a few days," Joilee replied before continuing on her way.

Joilee reported to the station's Agricultural division in the science sector. After taking a five-minute transport to her division, she went through another security checkpoint.

"Dr. Reyna Joilee here to report to Dr. Priyat," Joilee announced.

"Take the elevator to your right," the security officer directed.

As Joilee is en route, she noticed crates of herbal plants in stasis pods are being loaded onto the transport train. These were the plants that is going to be used for experimental germination for Earth's plant life on Sierra Alpha Prime. Joilee entered the elevator and rode to ten floors up to the docking office. When the elevator opened, Joilee saw a man of Indian descent. He is in his early fifties.

Priyat was irritated as he was yelling at his subordinates. Priyat was behind schedule in loading supplies, agricultural equipment, and plants. Joilee asked one of the personnel the whereabouts of Officer Deepak Priyat. One of the science officers pointed towards the man yelling at the staff. Joilee hoped that the man wasn't a belligerent asshole. Joilee nervously walked up to Dr. Priyat.

"Excuse me! Dr. Priyat!" Dr. Priyat turned around in a hostile manner.


"I am Dr. Reyna Joilee; I am reporting for duty." Once Joilee gave her credentials, Priyat's demeanor became much calmer.

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