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My mind is adrift from anything that had happened on that day. I couldn't focus on anything. Since meeting Keith, my uncle, and learning about my mother and finding out she is the same woman who not only abandoned me but made my whole childhood life hell.

This past week hasn't been my week. I've been hanging out at the agency, giving combat lessons for the rookies, and I wasn't myself. I was hard on myself but more on those who weren't a part of it. I lash at people, and they avoid me as if I'm on a murdering spree.

"Cap? Cap!"

I snap my way at Kendall and everyone in the room. All eyes were on me as if I had grown a second head.

Kendall was giving a seminar about the Order's compound detailing all the security cameras from the streets and buildings, the main office, and where the recruits are holding children. We had permission from Odin to infiltrate the compound, so having this meeting will give us a better and safer plan. It will be a month before the raid.

Forgotten about this meeting, I rub my face. "Sorry, continue."

"We are done, Cap," she chuckled, shifting eyes on everyone.

"Okay," I sigh. "Everyone is dismissed. Remember to train and get everything ready before the mission. We have a month to prepare. I want everyone not to slack off. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone got up from their seat. All ten Dagger members left the room, leaving Kendall and Gunnar. I sigh and drop my head.

"Cap? Are you okay?" Gunnar asks.

I lift my head and pull a plastered smile. "I'm okay," I pause, then grin from ear to ear. "I'm more than okay. I'm super duper great!"

Kendall and Gunnar look at each other, then back at me.

I groan, then slumped onto the table. "I'm not okay," I admit and slam my fist on the table as it makes them cringe back. "I'm not fucking okay!"

I put my head in my hands and heave out the anger that had built up since meeting Keith.

The sound of a chair did not alert me, but I knew one of them had sat down. I held in tears, covering the emotions flowing out of my heart. Since that visit, I haven't been myself. I avoided everyone dear to me, especially Poppy and Seth. They have been trying to cheer me up the whole week, but nothing worked. At that moment, I needed to be alone and left Poppy to stay with Seth and the others until the stress and tension had cleared up. But I've been ignoring their calls. I don't have the energy to let them know I'm still not in the mood.

"Um...Cap," it was Kendall's voice who sat next to me. "Gunnar and I, and everyone here, didn't want to bother you because, on your face, it seems you want to go on a massacre. So, does this whole week have to do with the birth certificate I had unlocked? Seth and Poppy have been contacting me, wondering where you are and why you aren't answering your phone. Even Effie. Did something happen?"

I turn my head and look at Kendall's worried face. Gunnar had himself leaning against the wall, arms crossed - also worried. I rise, lean myself back on the chair, and sigh again. I gave myself a little thought before telling them what I'd learned.

"I went to the hospital and asked the nurse," I close my eyes, then open them. "The doctor who attended my mother and helped her was retired because of a scandal."

"So, you met up with him?"

I nod.

"What else did you find out?" She asks.

"Turns out Dr. Keith Swanson is my uncle." I watched as Kendall and Gunnar's eyes shot up after one of the shocking news.

"The attendant doctor is your uncle?" Gunnar gasps and scratches his shaved head. "Wow, that is unexpected."

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