I can't guarantee because Majorie doesn't know I'm alive, but maybe I can hear her side of the story when I see her. I can ask why she didn't want me. Why hurt herself rather than hurt others? There are a lot of unanswered questions, and I plan to solve them.

I place the letters inside my jacket.

"Although their relationship is taboo, it doesn't give her the right to kill me," I tell him, the anger building inside. "She wanted to be with him."

"Majorie told me that her father later found out who she was. I think that is where the relationship ended."

"She tried to kill an innocent child because the man she loves doesn't love her back?" I scoff and rub my face in irritation. "How the hell did he find out? And he's her father? You fell in love with a young woman and discovered she's your daughter?"

I huff as I let out the irrigation. "Fucked up world we lived in. Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"You tried to kill a child?" The shock in his voice.

"For me, I had a reason. I did it to protect my baby," I clarified with an argument. "I didn't want my daughter to end up in the hands of a masochist pervert. But my mother wanted me dead because her lover didn't love her anymore. She should win the Mother of the Year!"

I slam my hands on the head of the couch and grip it tight, feeling the leather fabric.

Keep your anger intact, Terry. Breathe.

"And you," I turn to the old man, who cringes at my booming voice. "I don't expect my mother to love me, but you cared for me. I was an innocent infant whose mother never wanted me. Instead of protecting me, you dumped me as if the responsibility you are a part of should be someone else's problem."

"Terry...it was hard to make a choice," The old man claims as his words stammer. "My sister...she needed help. I'm the only family she has, and seeing her in that state breaks my heart. I promised my mother I would take care of her. Placing you at the orphanage was hard for me. We wanted to keep you, but my sister will kill you if my wife or I are not around and...I can't have that. So, I had admitted Majorie into an asylum for insanity and had you put at the orphanage to be adopted by a better family. Terry, you got to understand my wife and I are trying to build a family. I can't put this matter and pressure her. I'm sorry."

Hearing him say the family had me on edge. Not only did my birth mother not want me and tried to kill me, but this man...the only relative who at least cared for me, my uncle, abandoned me as well for the sake of his family.

"You could have called the police," I stated and kept myself calm.

"I couldn't. She's my sister, and she needed help. I can't place her behind bars for something she couldn't control over. That is why I place her in a mental hospital."

This older man is ridiculous.

I let out a low growl.

My blood is boiling to the point I want to hit him. Even if we share the same blood, I should, but he's more heartless than my mother. This man is a stranger, so I shouldn't feel sympathetic.

"You can hate me all you want for protecting my family. I didn't regret my decision."

I exhale through my nose as they flare. I glare at the older man. I step forward, itching to hit him. He stands his ground as I clench my fists, my attention to the object behind him. It's a family photo of him a few years younger with his wife and son.

They are smiling happily.

The pictures are all lined up on top of the shelf. My eyes traveled as I studied the photos. Each image told a different chapter in their life without any issues until I caught something that froze me in place, and my mind became disoriented. I walk past the doctor and grab the picture.

SETH (Book Four)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora