•Part thirty one

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warnings : rape, blood and self harm

Mars Pov (you)

You were sat on Cora's bed with her, trying to comfort her as much as you could. Today was crazy, you and Fred had witnessed your best friend being raped by your ex girlfriend's brother, her boyfriend.

Cora was still crying into your chest, but was slowly stopping, like their was no tears left.

"Can you leave so I can get changed.. please?" Cora asked and pulled away from your chest, her face red and tears everywhere on her face.

"Of course I can, do you want me to come back in?" You asked and she nodded. "Okay. You go get changed and then you can climb into my bed whilst I clean this up."

"Thank you." She thanked and you left the room, closing the door gently so she could get changed.

If things were completely different and if you had just remembered about picking the lock, none of this would have happened. It could have gotten a whole lot worse if Fred wasn't with you.

"Hey, is she ok?" Fred walked up to you, he looked untouched which was good, but his hand was covered in blood and he noticed you looking. "Oh, this isn't my blood don't worry. It's all Aaron's, Tyler helped me beat him up."

"You didn't tell him, did you?" You asked Fred.

"No I didn't, don't worry." Fred hurried to say. "I just told him that he hurt Cora and that set him off, Aaron's in the hospital wing right now."

"Okay good." You said then sighed. "I can't believe this all happened. All because I forgot about picking the stupid fucking lock on the door."

"Hey, don't blame yourself for any of this. It isn't your fault!" Fred said and you tried to believe him but couldn't.

You were going to answer him but then you both heard some sort of loud bang coming from the inside of your dorm. This caused you two to jump up and open the door, hands over both of your eyes.

Through the corner of you eye, you noticed a pool of blood slowly forming in the floor. You immediately removed your hand from your eyes and noticed Cora was laying on the floor with blood pouring out of her leg. She had a big slice on her calve and was still getting changed, there was also loads of glass around her.

"Cora.. what the fuck happened in here!" You exclaimed and rushed to her side, passing her a blanket to cover some of her legs. "Fred, get some water and tissues then go get Madam Pomfrey. Quick!"

Fred ran out of the room and came back with some tissues and a wet towel. He gave some to you and you helped Cora with the injury as he cleaned up the mess, you moved her to sit against the wall as she started to look dizzy because of the blood loss.

Tyler and Angelina came running in with Madam Pomfrey, she had a full medical kit in her hands for Cora. Angelina rushed to her side and Tyler helped Fred clean up the pool of blood.

Angie grabbed onto Cora's hand for support, the two looked really close. She also helped you sort Cora's leg out whilst comforting Cora.

Cora was taken up to the hospital wing so her leg can get proper potions and healing products as she lost a lot of blood. You got help from Fred, Tyler and Angie for cleaning the dorm up as none of you were allowed in the hospital wing.

Angelina admitted that her and Cora kissed and then she ran off because Aaron walked in on them two. She then said she heard them two fighting a few minutes later but decided to leave it because it was probably about the kiss and she didn't want to be a problem.


It had been almost a week later. Cora was still traumatised and had some pain in her leg but she had painkillers and had her friends to distract her from the trauma of being raped. No, she was not okay but she was getting there very slowly every second of every day with the support of everyone.

Her and Aaron obviously broke up and he got kicked out of school. Aaron would be facing a trial in court for rape and possibly go to Azkaban if all goes well.

Cora and Angelina hadn't spoken much since they kissed and since Cora got raped, but they were slowly starting to feel more comfortable around each other ever since.

You and Fred were amazing. He helped you with many things and was being an amazing boyfriend while you were still trying to find a way to make it up to him for not being the best girlfriend so far in your relationship with Fred.

You really loved him for being there for you through everything. He was perfect and amazing to you, you could not be any more grateful for Fred.

He was the best.

Hello. This is going to be a shorter chapter because it is the last chapter of this story and to be completely honest, I don't have any more ideas or things to say in this. There will also be no extra part for this story, sorry.

I have loved writing this story and it has been amazing to write about Mars and Fred's journey together along with many other things.

Please feel free to check out some of my other stories, if you like this one then you way like the others as well.

Thank you all so so much! <3

Final word count ever: 950

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