•Part thirteen

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warning : drugs

Your birthday was amazing and probably one of the best ones you have ever had. You spent the day with Tyler after making up with each other, you both got a good amount of presents each.

Your favourite one was definitely the song and dance that everybody done for you though.

You were currently in Defence Against the Dark Arts and was sat next to Fred in Lupin's classroom. He let you sit wherever you wanted to, so you and Fred sat together because none of your friends were here.

"Do you want to do something after class?" Fred whispered to you, the entire class being very quiet.

"Sure, I have a free period. What were you thinking of doing?" You asked him, looking up from your paper to look at him.

"I don't know, you can choose." Fred said and then winked at you. "Surprise me."

"Oh I will." You answered him.


You and Fred were now in his dorm, all alone as everyone else was in their own lessons, and you two were laying on his bed together.

You definitely liked Fred as more than a friend, he liked you the same but you hadn't made things official yet. As much as you wanted to, you were also worried that his feelings would have changed since the other night.

"You are so pretty, do you know that?" You told Fred whilst looking at all of his face features.

"I'm not pretty." Fred chuckled and shook his head.

"Yes you are. You are the prettiest person I have ever seen." You smiled at him.

"I am not pretty, I am hot." Fred said.

"Well yeah, but you are also so pretty, so handsome, so cute, everything." You looked into his eyes and he looked back into your own.

"Have you not looked in the mirror today? You are so pretty, so gorgeous, so beautiful." Fred said. "And definitely so hot."

Fred and you laughed before pausing for a few seconds, he then hesitated but kissed you.

Tyler's Pov

Me and Cora were skipping class together today, we had Transfiguration together with Professor Mcgonagall. We decided to skip because it was always so boring.

I had to go to my dorm quickly to get a lighter as we had agreed to stay in her dorm to smoke together and just talk with each other. She walked up with me to my dorm.

"Wait out here, my room is messy." I told Cora. "I'll just grab my lighter, be out in a minute."

I then walked inside, shutting the door and then looking at Fred's bed.

"Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!" I repeated multiple times and immediately covered my eyes at the view.

Mars was on top of Fred, both of their shirts on the floor and she was kissing up his chest. I hated the sight so I obviously covered my eyes, but I heard them curse and then move around to probably get changed again.

"Tyler! What are you doing here?" Mars said out of breath.

"You can uncover your eyes now, mate." Fred said, so I lowered my hand back down to my side.

Mars was standing in between mine and Fred's bed, wearing Fred's shirt and was in some black shorts. Fred was still laying on his bed with his shirt off, a small blanket covering his bottom half and his arms were behind his head. He was smirking.

"I said you can date my sister and not fucking let her suck your chest off!" I yelled and Fred laughed at my words.

"Exactly, you said you give me permission to ask your sister to be my girlfriend if I want to." Fred shrugged. "It's not like people don't kiss in every single relationship they get into. Mars is my girlfriend, not just your sister."

"What?" Mars asked, her attention now on Fred. "I am?"

"Yeah? I asked you last night." Fred said.

"When?" Mars asked and I coughed.

"I'm still here. Do you know where my lighter is?" I asked Fred and he nodded, moving to get my lighter from his drawer. "Why is it in- never mind."

"Tyler. You said you would stop smoking weed." Mars sighed as Fred chucked me my lighter.

"No. I told mum that I would stop, I wasn't actually telling the truth." I laughed and thanked Fred before going to leave. "Plus I don't really fancy having that image of you on top of my best friend play over and over in my head right now. Have a bad sex session."

I left the dorm, shutting the door after myself, and saw Cora waiting outside. She noticed me and then we headed towards her dorm.

Mars Pov (you)

You walked back over to where Fred was laying on his bed and laid down in between his legs. Your arms wrapped around his bare stomach and his hands automatically found your hair, fiddling with some of the strands and making weird shapes with it.

"Girlfriend, huh?" You asked the pretty boy.

"If you want to be my girlfriend, then yeah." He smiled at you.

"I would love to. Would you like to be my boyfriend?" You asked and smiled back at him.

"I would love to." Fred smiled at you. "I promise I won't do anything to hurt you, Mars Jackson."

"I promise that to you too, Fred Weasley."

It was official, you and Fred were now dating. And you couldn't be any happier.

"Do you think Tyler is actually smoking weed right now?" You asked Fred out of nowhere.

"It seems like something Ty would do, he does it all the time in here." Fred told you. "I thought you knew, if I found out that you didn't know then I would have told you."

"It's alright. It isn't your responsibility, it's mine." You sighed. "I'm his older sister, I'm meant to protect him."

"You are?" Fred asked and you nodded. "Oh, Tyler always said he was older than you by a couple of minutes."

"That bitch. I'm older than him by eleven minutes!" You complained.

"You learn something new everyday."

Word count: 1023

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