•Part three

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You stayed in the dorm for breakfast, just looking at the picture of you and your father, before Cora came to check on you again.

"Can I come in?" Cora's voice asked from the other side of the door, knocking on it gently.

"Yeah, it's open." You said loud enough so that she could hear you.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Cora asked and entered your room with a small plate of food for you, she sat down at the end of your bed.

"Bad, I think I might skip today." You said and thanked her for the food, taking it from Cora's hands. "I'm really not feeling well and it might be best, just incase I throw up in the middle of class."

It wasn't a lie. You did feel sick but there was more to it and Cora knew, but she also knew to not push you.

"Oh alright. That's fine, I'll let your teachers know and me or Angie will come check on you every hour." Cora patted your thigh. "Make sure you eat, so you want anything else before I go to class?"

"No it's alright, thank you. You've already gotten me enough, Cora." You smiled at your best friend.

"Alright. I'll see you later." She said and got up to leave before saying one more thing. "Also, someone asked what was wrong and why you weren't at breakfast. He cares about you, Mars, maybe don't always be so rude to him."

"Who?" You asked but Cora just winked and left the dorm with a smirk on her face. "Cora! Cora get back here!"

You noticed that she wasn't coming back so you just gave up in yelling her name.

Cora Pov

I left the Gryffindor common room feeling guilt as ever. Something was wrong with Mars and as her best friend, I should be there for her. It just felt like today I can't be there for her and I have no clue what to do.

"Hey, how is she?" Angelina asked me as I walked past the great hall to where she was waiting with Tyler.

"Not so good. She looked like she had been crying and she said she really doesn't feel good so I just left it." I sighed. "I gave her the food though!"

"Well at least that is good." Angelina said. "Tyler, what lesson do you have?"

"Potions with you two. Was Mars holding anything?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah she was. It was small and I couldn't see exactly what it was but it looked like a piece of paper, why?" I said.

"Fuck. I completely forgot." Tyler cursed. "Tell the boys that I'm skipping this lesson and tell Snape that I don't feel good."

Before me or Angelina got a chance to answer him, he ran into the Gryffindor common room after saying the password. We just ignored it and headed to potions.

Mars Pov (you)

You were still in your bed just laying down now, when someone rushed into your room without knocking or saying anything first.

"It's today, isn't it?" Your brother, Tyler, asked after barging into your dorm.

"How did you get in here-" you went to ask.

"Just answer the question, Mars." He said, sternly.

"Yeah, it is." You said.

"Fuck sake, Mars! How long until you finally realise that this son of a bitch has left and isn't coming back!" He yelled at you. "He doesn't care, he never did and he never will! Just let. It. Go!"

"He did care, Tyler. He does.." You said with tears in your eyes.

"No he fucking doesn't!" He spat in your face. "Stop believing in that dick and face the fucking reality! He is gone and he always will be. Fucking give up on that prick."


"It's pathetic."

He finished making you feel bad and left your dorm, slamming the door behind him out of anger.

What he said wasn't true.. it couldn't be. Your dad was going to come back and you believed that, why couldn't Tyler? If you can believe it, then Tyler can too..


After a while of thinking about what Tyler yelled at you, you went to sleep for a bit. It had been a while and you then got woken up by someone knocking at your door.

"Come on." You yawned but no one did come in.

You sighed and got out of bed, going to open the door. When you opened the door, you noticed a folded up piece of paper with your name on it on the floor and a tall figure walking out of the common room.

Who was that?

You ignored it and just picked up the note, taking it back inside of the dorm and sitting down to read it.

I'm sorry about what Tyler said to you. I heard everything and I don't think it's pathetic. I understand what you meant and I know it is a hard time, I'm sure he didn't mean it.

If you ever need to talk then I'm here. Just write a letter to me with your name on the front, then put it in Tyler's dorm. I'll get it.

Don't listen to Tyler, he is the prick.

You smiled at the words on the letter, then realised that there was no name on it. You tried to figure out who's hand writing it was but couldn't, you had never seen it before.

After trying to figure out who wrote it, you gave in and just decided to write back to them.

I got your letter. Even though I have no idea who this is, I feel like I can talk to you.

I'm sorry you had to hear everything that Tyler said to me, I wish I didn't have to hear let alone someone else. I have no idea how you even heard it but yeah.

Thank you for saying that I can talk to you whenever, I now know what to do when I need to.

Who are you?

Word count: 1003

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