•Part twenty seven

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warnings : almost self harm and mentions of an eating disorder

You and Fred caught up with everyone for a bit as there was some drama with people in your year, but then you and Tyler got into an argument about him still smoking weed.

He ended up taking you into his dorm so that nobody heard you two arguing. You two were yelling at each other, alone in his dorm, and then he said something which set you back.

"This is exactly why dad left, because he could not handle your shit anymore, Marlene!" Tyler yelled at you. "No wonder you starve yourself, even you can't handle your own shit."

You were shocked that he even said that, you felt so betrayed and hurt by your own brother. It looked like he didn't regret saying anything, but you were just staring at him with tears in your eyes at his words.

"Fuck you." You cursed and walked out of his dorm in pure pain and anger.

You didn't bother going back to the common room, you just walked back to your dorm while Tyler stayed in his. You thought nobody noticed you going into your room but somebody did and followed you, knowing that you would need some support because you looked very pissed.

"Mars.. what happened in there?" Fred asked and you didn't say anything, you just walked up to him and hugged him with tears streaming down your face.

"I hate him." You said into Fred's chest through your sobs. "He said I'm the reason our dad left and- and that I starved myself because I can't handle myself."

"Oh Mars.. come here. He shouldn't have said any of that shit to you, he is your twin brother and he knows he fucked up that is to say to anyone, not just you." He comforted you as you cried into his chest. "I am here for you no matter what."

"Thank you but I just want to be alone right now." You admitted and pulled away from the hug, tear stains on Fred's jumper and you face. "Sorry about your jumper."

"It's alright, I don't care about the stupid jumper." He said and grabbed your hands. "I care about you and if you are okay."

"I am, go and enjoy your weed with everyone else. I don't want you to miss your fun because I can't handle my emotions." You told him, wiping your tears as he hesitantly let go of your hands.

"Just come and get me if you need me for anything or if you feel like doing something bad, okay?" Fred asked and you nodded. "Good. I love you."

"I love you too, thank you." You told him and he left your dorm.

You walked over to the bathroom and looked at your crying self in the mirror. You looked like a mess, your hair was everywhere, tears all over your face and your eyes were bright red. Then you noticed something in the reflection of the mirror, a razor.

You've had thoughts about self harming many times before but never actually did. It wouldn't be the end of the world if you accidentally cut your arm, would it?

Nobody would notice.. would they?

You went and picked up the razor, looking at it carefully and thinking about everything. You lowered the razor to your arm when someone barged into your dorm.

"Mars." Tyler said to try find you, then noticed you in the bathroom so you quickly hid the razor in a drawer. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said but he-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" You asked him, walking straight past him and sitting on your bed.

"Dad's here."


Tyler told you that he was here to see you, him and Astrid and that he was waiting in Remus' classroom. You ignored what he was saying about not going to see him and you just started to go to his classroom.

"Mars?" Fred asked and stood up, seeing you running out of the common room and Tyler following you, he stopped Tyler from running after you though. "You need to stay here, she doesn't need to put up with your bullshit. What have you said to her now?"

"Nothing! Look, I have to go." Tyler said and pushed past Fred, continuing to follow you.

"Fred, stay here. They probably have to sort something out." Pearl said and Fred sighed, sitting back in his seat.

"You're right, if she needs me then Mars can just come find me." He said and Angie handed him a new joint.

You ran all the way to Remus' classroom with Tyler following you.

"Mars wait! He doesn't need to see us, he left for a reason." Tyler called after you but you ignored him and finally reached his classroom. "Mars, he doesn't deserve us."

"Yes he does, I need to at least find out why he left in the first place if he had a reason. You might not believe in him but I do." You said and opened the door to the classroom.

Astrid was sat next to your father, Remus was sat in his chair by his desk.

"Hello, Mars and Tyler, I'll leave you four to talk now. Have fun." Remus got up from his seat and left the classroom.

"Marlene, Tyler.. look how big you two have grown." You father got up from his seat and walked over to you. "How is my little Marlene doing?"

"Why did you leave?" You asked, ignoring his question.

"Mars." Tyler warned but you ignored him as well.

"If you loved us so much, why did you leave? If you knew you were going to miss us, why leave in the first place? You left us with nothing, you left mum with nothing and she had to deal with me and Tyler by herself." You said. "She had no one."

"Marlene, I understand you are upset-" your father started.

"Oh you bet I'm fucking upset. You left us! You had a full ass child that we had no clue about, what the fuck is wrong with you!" You yelled at him, you hated him right now. "I thought you changed, I thought you actually loved us.. I though you loved me."

Poor Tyler and Mars, neither of them deserve any of this :(

Word count: 1060

Brother's Best Friend | | Fred Weasley Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt