•Part seven

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Fred left the bathroom now fully clothed in some grey jogging bottoms, a black jumper and he had a pair of red socks on. His hood was down and it exposed his wet, red hair.

"I'm ditching either way, have you decided yet?" He asked and put a small towel down on his bed where you were sat.

"Yeah. I have no lessons with any of the girls so it should be easy to get away with it." You said and he sat down next to you, legs spread and leaning back onto the bed.

"Sweet. We should still go and get some breakfast though." Fred said and you nodded, the both of you standing up to leave. "You can leave first, I know you won't want people to see us together as we hate each other."

"Well.. fine." You said and walked in front of him, him following you out but going a different way to the great hall.

You got there before him and saw the girls sat down at the Gryffindor table together so you went to join then. You walked over and sat next to Amy since there was an empty seat next to her, probably for you.

"Hey, girls." You said and took a waffle from the middle of the table.

"Holy fuck, Mars!" Pearl cursed loudly, everyone around you hearing her but they ignored it.

"What?" You said, taking a bite.

"What the fuck is on your neck?" Angelina asked you. "That definitely isn't a hickey."

"Did someone hurt you?" Amy asked, moving your hair out of the way to take a closer look at your neck.

"What? What is it?" You asked trying to look down at your neck but failed obviously.

"Who the fuck done that?" Cora asked, leaning over the table to see properly. "That's a hand mark. I'm going to fucking kill them, who done that, Mars?"

"I don't know! Does someone have a mirror so I can at least see this so called hand mark?" You asked, freaking out slightly.

"Here." Angelina said and handed you a small pocket mirror, you then took a look at your neck.

All of the girls were right, there was a giant hand mark on your neck. It was all red and brown, it looked like someone had tried to kill you.

"Fuck." You cursed under your breath.

"Mars. I am going to ask you one more time, who done that?" Cora asked.

"Cora.. I'm telling the truth, I don't know!" You said.

"I'm going to get to the end of this." She said.

For the rest of breakfast, the girls were trying to figure out what happened to your neck and why there was a giant hand print. You stayed silent the entire time because you were thinking of what could have caused it, then you remember something.

When Tyler was yelling at you yesterday, he grabbed your neck and pulled your face closer to his. He must have grabbed it too hard because that must be why the bruise is there.

Breakfast was now done and it was fine to head to the lessons, you told the girls you had a free period so you were going to the kitchens for a bit so they ignored it and thought it was normal. You went towards the kitchens before nobody was in view, then you turned around and walked to the common room. That was when you saw Fred.

"Hey, Fred!" You called and he stopped in his tracks, turning around to see you.

"Hey, Mars- holy shit what happened to your neck?" His eyes widened at seeing your neck.

"I don't know." You lied.

"Your neck was covered up earlier so I didn't see, I'm sorry. Does it hurt?" He asked and started to walk with you into the common room.

"Not really, I didn't notice it until my friends pointed it out." You said.

"Oh.. okay. Just tell me if it hurts then I'll get you an ice pack from the freezer." Fred and walked you up to his dorm.

"You have a freezer in your dorm?" You asked and laughed.

"Yeah, it's full of ice packs and even some ice cream. One of us always seems to get into a fight." Fred shrugged and opened the door for you. "We also have a mini fridge. Speaking of which, do you want a beer?"

"Fred. It's not even nine in the morning yet."


You were tidying up for a while, Fred helped you for a bit then decided he was bored so he sat on his bed doodling in his notebook. You had no clue what he was doing and you didn't really care, you just wanted this messy room to be tidy for once. It was only the second day and it was already too messy for your liking.

"What are you drawing?" You asked whilst folding up some clean washing.

"Something. Someone." Fred said, not looking up from his notebook.

His tongue was stuck out in concentration, his hands were moving slowly to get the small details that he needed for the drawing to be perfect.

"Are you not planning on telling me?" You asked.

"Are you not planning on telling me who done that to you?" Fred asked and you sighed, stopping with you were doing and so did Fred.

"Fine." You said and sat down on Fred's bed. "It was Tyler. When he got pissed at me yesterday he grabbed my neck and-"

"I'm going to fucking kill that bastard." Fred cursed and stood up.

"Fred." You warned.

"No! Who does he even think he is? Some tough guy who thinks he can hurt his own twin sister?" Fred practically yelled out of anger.

He walked over to the very end bed, Tyler's bed, and started to look around in his nightstand for something. He then found it and pulled out a timetable, Tyler's one.

"Potions." Fred whispered and put the timetable back in the drawer.

"Fred? Where are you going?" You tried to ask him but he ignored you and walked out of his dorm, leaving you alone.

You sighed and laid down on his bed.

Word count: 1054

Brother's Best Friend | | Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now