•Part five

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Notice how Spots and Tulip are from my other Fred Weasley story called Notes.

Fred took you to the kitchens and let you inside. Once you stepped inside, he followed you in, which confused you.

"Why are you coming in?" You asked.

"Because I'm hungry too. Plus I'll be gone, I have to go meet up with the guys for something." Fred said and walked over to a house elf. "Hey, Spots."

Spots was a small house elf, rather smaller than all the others, and wore a black and white polka dot dress. It was short and old but it was also nice and simple, it fit well.

"Oh hello, master Weasley!" The house elf exclaimed, with a smile on it's face. "What can us elves do for you and your friend?"

"Oh we aren't friends." You quickly said to the house elf who shook it's head.

"Us house elves can tell when someone is lying to us. Like now." Spots said.

"Spots is right, Master Weasley and Miss Jackson." Another elf chimed in, walking over to where you, Fred and Spots were.

This elf had a beautiful, white tulip tucked behind her ear. The colour of the flower matched the elves eyes.

"I know, you've tested it on me already, Tulip." Fred sighed.

"Oh yes! We we found you-" Fred cut Tulip off with a very loud cough.

"We don't need to share that information." He coughed slightly again. "Right, why food have you elves made today?"


Fred left shortly after getting a bunch of junk food like pizza and some crisps for him, Tyler, Lee and George. You stayed in the kitchens for a bit, getting to know some more of the elves and also thinking about this entire day.

Tyler shouted at you because you still thought your father was coming home, which made you feel worse as it has now been four years since he left in the first place.

Rosalie ended up staying in England and is still at Hogwarts, then when you went to see her, she was with another guy. So that hurt too since you felt like you actually found love.

You've felt unwell all day so that helps all of this. You also hadn't eaten at all today, which obviously wouldn't make you feel better, but it was almost like you couldn't eat. Like it was an impossible challenge. 

You were really upset because of thinking about everything that had happened, you started to cry whilst sitting down against the kitchen wall. No elves were around as they had to start making some food for breakfast tomorrow, so nobody was watching you cry.

Tears were falling down your face as your vision was getting even worse, all images of everything happening today were playing in your head and wouldn't stop.

Tyler yelling at you, that random boy answering the door, Rosalie cheating, again. Everything was getting too much as you started to hyperventilate.

"Mars?" A familiar voice asked from where the kitchen entrance is. "Hey, Mars.. it's alright. I'm here."

The person moved quickly to be next to you, grabbing you in their arms and rocking you from side to side to try and help, which it didn't but you appreciated the gesture.

"Mars... it's me, it's Fred. Can you try and calm down?" Fred asked and looked you in your blurry, bloodshot eyes. "It's alright."

You were shaking your head as Fred held your hands and arms still.

"I'm here for you. Talk to me, please, try and tell me what is wrong." He whispered to you, half cupping your face and holding your hand with his spare hand. "Count the floorboards, count them over and over again to try and calm you down. Then try to talk to me, please."

After counting them a couple of times, you tried to get some words out of your crying mouth but couldn't, it was like it was impossible for you to talk now due to how badly you were crying and shaking right now.

"Stay right here, I will be back in literally one minute! One! I need to go and find someone.." Fred said and really quickly kissed your hand, got up and ran out of the kitchens.

Fred Pov

I ran as fast as I could to get to my dorm where Tyler, George and Lee would be waiting for me with some more food. Mars was way more important than food right now though.

I finally reached my dorm after what felt like ages and ran inside. Angelina was there and talking to the boys, they all then noticed me.

"Angie. I need you." I said, kind of out of breath. "Now. Come with me."

I didn't let Angelina talk, or anyone talk, before I grabbed her hand and took her outside of my dorm. Angie and I ran all the way down to the kitchens, she was asking questions whilst I was ignoring them because Mars was the only thing on my mind right now.

We finally reached the kitchens and I let us both inside, Mars still sat in the same spot and looking at the same crack on the floor boards.

"Oh Mars!" Angie hurried to her side, cupping her face and examining her. "What happened?"

"I came in here to get some more food for me and the boys, and Mars was here having a total breakdown. I tried to help her, Angie, I really did but I don't know how." I sighed.

"It's alright, you tried." She said, not taking her eyes off of Mars. "Can you go and get Cora or Tyler?"

"I'll get Cora, Tyler won't help right now. I know that as a fact." I said. "Do you need me to come back?"

"No it's fine, I just need Cora to help." Angelina said, using her finger to draw circles in Mars' hand to calm her down.

"I'll go get her." I said and ran outside the kitchens, again, to now go and get Cora.

My poor Mars :((

Word count: 1011

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