•Part eight

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warnings : blood, violence and bruises

It had been a while and Fred still wasn't back, you were getting bored and had finished tidying up the boys dorm so you went to your own dorm to get your book.

You got the book and then decided to also get changed as you were still in your school clothes and felt uncomfortable. Once you were changed, you grabbed your book and you bag and then headed back to the boys dorm.

When you entered the room, you heard something or someone moving around in the bathroom. You looked inside and saw Fred with his head up, his head down and he was looking in the cupboard under the sink for something. There was a flannel in the sink that was already wet.

"Fred?" You asked him, he turned around and noticed you but you couldn't see his face properly. "Hey, Fred. Look at me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. Just go tidy up my dorm or something, that is why you are here." He said and got some bandages out.

"No, that's done. I'm not just here to tidy up. I can be here to help you if you just talk to me and tell me what is wrong." You said sternly and Fred looked at you, pulling his hood down.

His entire face was red. His lip was busted and blood was pouring out of it, he had multiple cuts around his face and it looked like a bruise was already forming over his eye. You glanced down to his hand and noticed that his knuckles were all bright red and even had some blood on it too, some of his own and someone else's blood.

"Fred.." you sighed and grabbed the flannel and bandages out of his hand. "Talk to me, why did you do this?"

"He can't just hurt his own sister and get away with it. Tyler deserved it, that twat." Fred rolled his eyes as you tried to grab his jaw, he moved away.

"I can't help you if you don't let me try." You said and Fred nodded, moving forward so you could attend his injuries. "Tyler is my brother though, your best friend, I don't know why this even matters? It's a sibling thing, we hate each other sometimes."

"It isn't a sibling thing." He scoffed. "Me and George get pissed off at each other all the time but you don't see a billion bruises all over him, do you?"

"No.." you said.

"Ow!" Fred hissed at the pain of the wet flannel on his lip.

"I know it hurts but you have to stay still." You said. "Hold that on your lip."

You walked into the bathroom to get something for his lip and then walked back to Fred.

"You can't go beating up people when someone hurts anyone." You said and started to try and stitch the cut up a bit.

"I can and I will." Fred said as you worked on his face.

You and Fred talked for a bit about what he just done and why he done it. He said that nobody deserves what happened to you and especially not by their own blood so Tyler 'deserved' it.

You helped him sort out his injuries but there wasn't too much you could do about the bruising, Tyler must have hit him pretty hard.

"Can I see what you were drawing now?" You asked Fred as he stayed sat down.

"Nope. That is only for my eyes." He said, looking into your eyes as you were standing up.

He wouldn't stop looking into your eyes. That was when it happened, that was when he kissed you.

Fred couldn't help himself and he stood up, joining yours and his lips together. He then pulled away after a couple of seconds and then looked like he regretted it.

"Fuck." He cursed. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I don't know why I done that. I-"

You shut him up by kissing him again, one hand on his arm and one hand on his cheek.

You both pulled away quickly, taking in what just happened, and then kissed again for the third time. This time it was longer, more passionate and so intense.

His hands were all over your face, your hands were pulling Fred's jumper off to that he was shirtless. Your hands were now roaming his naked chest, feeling his abs as the kiss got deeper. You bodies were pressed together, you were stood on your tip toes to deepen the kiss before Fred picked you up.

Your legs wrapped around his waist as he took you over to the wall, pinning you there to work on your neck. He was careful of the bruise already there as he moved his lips to suck behind your ear. This made you moan out loud as a sucked down on it, nipping at your ear lobe slightly as you pulled on Fred's hair.

He almost bit your piercings.

He was groaning and whimpering at the feeling of you pulling his hair, he didn't want you to stop.

You would eventually have to stop though due to someone knocking at the door and a voice talking from the other side. This made you and Fred pull apart very quickly and you ran into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it behind you.

"Let me in." Tyler's voice said from the other side of the locked dorm door.

"What do you want?" Fred unlocked the dorm door and let Tyler inside, he walked right in.

"Have you seen Mars today? She isn't in any lessons and I got told to come and look for her when I got out of the hospital wing." Tyler asked.

"No I haven't, why would I?" Fred questioned.

"Judging from my face, I know you are lying." He motioned to his bruised and cut face. "Is she here?"


That was when Tyler saw it, your favourite book and your bag too.

"Where the fuck is my sister and why is she in here?" Tyler immediately changed from confused to very pissed off.

Word count: 1029

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