•Part four

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Introducing... Rosalie Jones! Our newest and only casted Slytherin :)

Lauren Cohan as Rosalie Jones

The girls had come back to the dorm to check on you throughout the day but apparently you were asleep for most of it

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The girls had come back to the dorm to check on you throughout the day but apparently you were asleep for most of it.

Angelina had a free period so she decided to spend it with. In that free period, she told you that someone was looking for you to prank. You were never there though so they couldn't, she said that the prank still went ahead but on someone else and it was hilarious.

Fred Weasley.

Of course he would want to prank you, when doesn't he? You needed to get him back, and good. Even though he didn't actually get to prank you, he still would try to.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." Angelina spoke up in the dorm. "Someone else was looking for you today, Mars."

"Who?" You said, looking up from your book.

"Rose." Angie said and laid down on your bed with you, you immediately sat up though.

"What? She said she was leaving!" You exclaimed. "But- what?"

"Apparently her parents got told to stay in England instead of America, she is back here until.. who knows when?" Angie trailed off.

"Shit. I have to find her." You said with a small smile.

"Have fun trying to get into the Slytherin common room without a password." Cora said as you got up to throw some clothes over your pyjamas.

"Shit." You cursed.

"Don't worry, it's Pureblood." Pearly spoke.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" You sang and kissed her cheek before running outside of the dorm and the common room, all the way to the dungeons. "Pureblood."

The doors opened and you ran through, all the way up to the girls dorm and ignored everyone's questionable looks and questions towards you. You reached the year five dorms, where Rose would be, and knocked on a door.

Nobody answered so you tried another door, someone did answer though.

"Where's Rosalie? Who are you?" You asked as a boy answered the door. "Are you going to answer me?"

"Yeah, one second." The boy said and shut the door on your, muffled voices being heard on the other side before he opened it again. "Come on in."

He moved to the side so that you could come inside. When you saw her, your heart broke all over again.

She was getting changed, eyes red and makeup smudged. The bed sheets were all messy and clothes were everywhere, her bra and underwear were kicked under the bed. She was sat in the covers.

It hurt you because you and Rosalie were sort of a thing. You weren't dating but you weren't just friends. It had been like this for a while now, meeting each other every now and then.

Rosalie just went and pulled this.. right at the start of the school year when you feel more alone than ever. This wasn't even the first time which makes it worse.

"Again? Rosalie.. you have to be kidding me." You whispered, feeling so hurt and betrayed. "You promised me."

"Marlene.. it's not what it looks like!" Rose said and got up, grabbing a blanket to cover her bottom half. "I promise you, he is just a friend. It's you that I like! I swear!"

Marlene was your full name. Marlene Mary Jackson after your mother's friends from school.

"Bullshit." You cursed and shook your head. "I'm done with you, Rosalie. I can't believe this."

Ignoring Rose's yelled for you to get back here, you walked out of her dorm with a shaking head and hurt heart. You walked past all of the Slytherin's in their common room, straight out of the dungeon door and then all the way back to the Gryffindor common room.

Before you got a chance to say the password and enter, Rosalie caught up to you and stopped you.

"Stop! Alright, I know I made a mistake, again, and I am so sorry but you can't end this.." Rose sighed. "You mean the world to me, this can't end."

"This is your fault. Not mine. Yours." You said. "You bought this upon yourself, I don't trust you."

You walked through the common room entrance, leaving Rosalie outside, stunned.

With a sigh, you say yourself in the couch in front of the fireplace. The image off Rosalie getting changed in her bed with that shirtless boy was playing over and over in your head.

You started into the fireplace, lost in your thoughts, when someone plopped themselves next to you. Glancing to the side, you noticed the red head boy that you hate. Could this day get any worse?

"What do you want?" You said to Fred, not looking away from the burning fire in front of your eyes.

"Why weren't you in class today?" Fred asked you, looking at your face features whilst you didn't look at him at all.

"I was sick." You lied.

"Want to tell me the real reason?" He questioned you.

"Let's see.. I got yelled at by my own brother multiple times, I actually didn't feel well and I just found out that I was cheated on." You said.

"That sucks." He said.

"Why do you even care?" You asked. "We aren't friends. We hate each other."

"Yeah we do. I just wanted to mess with you but it seems like you aren't in the mood so.." he trailed off.

"Well then you're right." You sighed and laid back on the couch. "How do I get into the kitchens again?"

"Why?" Fred asked and looked at you again, you looking back at him.

"I haven't eaten all day and I'm hungry, you are sadly the only person I know who can get in there." You answered him.

"I'll tell you." He said and stood up. "Actually, I'll show you."

"Nope, I don't think that is necessary." You groaned but Fred ignored it and pulled you up.

Fred took you towards the school kitchen.

Word count: 1000

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