|| N I N E ||

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TW: Sexual Assault

I had phoned Alex to see if she'd made it home safe so when it was Lewis that had picked up the call, I knew that something was not right.

"She – something happened Toto. She came through the door bruised and battered, her dress was torn."

I had planned on surprising her with the news that I was not currently in Monte Carlo; in fact, I was currently in Brackley investigating some housing options. Susie and I had agreed that she would keep the property in Monaco and live with Jack while I would find alternate housing closer to HQ. This was a last-minute decision and I'm not ashamed to say that it was prompted by my desire to be closer to Alex. It seems that my want to protect her was not unfounded.

When I walked into that conference room, the sight of her sitting next to Stefano had astounded me. Gone was the chubby-cheeked shy girl and in her stead, there was this beautiful woman with fire in her eyes. I had watched her grow, of course, but in the 5 years since I'd last seen her, she had gone from the quiet teenager to this spitfire. She spoke with confidence and, as demonstrated to me, was not afraid to stand up for herself. But in the last few weeks, I had watched as something chipped away at her outer shell, I could see her porcelain mask slip to show that beneath it all, the shy girl who was so eager to please was still there, holding onto the protection that the confident façade provided. I saw how the fight to stay in control had left her exhausted and it made me want to hold her in my arms, to show her that I could take some of her burdens away, that whatever it was that had made her don that mask would be a distant memory.

But I was wrong.

So, I had grabbed my belongings and jumped in the car, breaking every road rule in the book to arrive as soon as I could. When I walked in, Dr Preston had just finished his examination and there she was, curled up on the couch still dressed in her ruined work clothes, with Lewis on the floor next to her holding her hand. She had a distant expression on her face, her makeup was smudged and if I looked closely, I could see her tremble under the thick blanket.

She didn't even look up when I entered but I nodded at Lewis and shook Dr Preston's hand. He was a young but capable doctor who accompanied the team on the road and happened to also be based in London. I thanked him quietly for arriving so quickly.

"So how is she, what can we do?" I prompted, eager to be by her side.

"Ms Ricci is in shock so the best thing we can do right now is to keep her warm. Slight concussion but nothing too major requiring stitches. She's going to have a sore throat for a little while. But, ah, Toto," he hesitated, unsure if he should continue.

"Yes?" I urged.

"She was assaulted. Apart from the bruising, she has sustained some trauma to her..."

I nodded, furious but refusing to take my anger out on him.

"I have taken some samples anyway just in case she wants to take this to the authorities. I will lodge them with the correct departments so that if she does, there will be evidence. In the meantime, I've left a prescription with Lewis. Twice a day for the next seven days. Make sure she eats and stays hydrated."

I gritted my teeth and nodded again. "Thank you, doctor. Ah, one last thing."

"I will be discreet, Toto, this will stay between us."

"Thank you."


I heard Toto and Dr Preston's soft conversation and I could feel Lewis stroking the back of my hand with his thumb. I felt cold, even though I was wrapped under a thick duvet, but most of all I felt empty. I wasn't unfamiliar with this feeling; unfortunately, I'd been acquainted with this feeling too many times in recent years. And yet, I could feel overwhelming guilt that I had these people fussing over me. I knew I'd get over it in a few days and be back to normal, they shouldn't have to worry about me at all.

Yes, Daddy | A Formula 1 Fan Fiction | Toto WolffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon