|| S I X ||

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F R I D A Y 2.0

I slid into the backseat of the SUV and the chauffeur graciously slid the divider up between the front and the back to offer us some privacy. He politely informed us that due to traffic, the commute will take about 40 minutes.

The ride started off in silence but the loud ringing of his phone cut through it.


I could hear a muffled female voice on the other and speaking rapidly with Toto grunting in response.

"Susie, we don't need mediation. I thought we wanted to keep things simple."

My blood ran cold. Mediation? Does that mean...

I slowly turned to look at the man and caught his eye. He continued to look at me as he continued his conversation, now discussing him visiting their son after the weekend in Jeddah.

By the time his phone conversation ended, his usually calm mask had fallen, and he had an expression of sheer resignation and exhaustion. Thinking that he'd like some time to himself, I turned to look out the window.

A moment ticked by, and I felt a brief touch on the back of my hand. I turned to look at Toto, but he was staring at my hand that was on the seat between us, very gently stroking the back of my hand, bringing his fingers up and down my forearm. Feeling a sudden surge of courage, I caught his hand in mine and tangled our fingers together. Surprised, he stopped moving just for a second but began stroking my thumb with his.

"Hey," I whispered gently, still looking at his face.

He looked up then, staring straight into my eyes.

"Are you alright?" I prompted.

He nodded. "Did you hear any of that?"

"A little bit. Mediation? Does that mean that you and Susie are..."

"Yes," he sighed, "we decided last winter break and it should be finalised by the next winter break."

"How are you feeling about it all?"

"Honestly, when it finally happened, it was a long time coming. With my travelling, we'd been drifting apart for a long long time so this way, we won't be tied down in an unhappy situation."

"Fair enough," I agreed. I turned away from him and tried to hide a huge yawn with my other hand.

"Tired, little one?"

I nodded.

"Here," he reached over and undid my seatbelt, pulling me across the empty seat and into his lap. He tucked my head onto his shoulder and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I was surprised but there was something comforting about his scent and the warmth of his body. When he started stroking the small of my back, I felt the tension in my body slowly dissipate and relax into his chest.

Toto nuzzled the top of my head and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Let me take care of you, little bear," he whispered.

"Toto," I hesitated, "I want to, I really do, but I can't. We can't. I can't..."

Flashes of a sweaty nightclub, rough hands on my body, the feeling of complete helplessness, the pain of my choices being taken away from me.

I could feel my body tense up again and a silent tear rolled down my cheek.

I drew in a shaky breath, "Toto, you have no idea how much I want you. I just, I just don't think I can."

I felt his lips on my temple again as he continued to rub soothing circles on my back.

Yes, Daddy | A Formula 1 Fan Fiction | Toto WolffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ