|| E I G H T ||

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TW: Sexual Assault

"Miss Ricci?" My intercom buzzed.

Toto and I had parted ways after Jeddah, with him heading back to Monaco to see his son and me heading back to London to attend some client meetings on behalf of my father. There were 10 days until Melbourne, and I was incredibly excited. Melbourne is one of my favourite cities and the weather in April would be amazing. I was looking forward to the warmth after the chill of the previous two races.

I'd just sat down at my desk for a quick bite of lunch between meetings when my quality time with my salad bowl was rudely interrupted.

"Yes, Janet?"

"Uhm, Lewis Hamilton is here to see you." My usually serious Janet almost sounded bashful?

Wait, what? "Send him through."

I flicked through my phone, thinking I'd missed a message from Lewis but found nothing aside from a few missed messages from the driver's group chat I had been added to. Against my will, of course.

Was this cheeky man trying to surprise me? Sure enough, the champ walks in with a smile so wide, it would rival even Daniel's.

"Hello, love!" he chirped and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hello, you," I kissed him back and led him to the couch in the corner, "what are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd surprise you!"


"And maybe take you up on your offer of the spare room..."

I laughed, "Lewis, you're one of the highest-paid athletes in the world, surely you can afford a hotel room."

"I mean, yeah," he leans back and runs a hand through his braids, "but I just don't want to deal with the media, people fawning over me, you know? I just want a low-key couple of days."

"Lewis!" I slapped him on the arm, "imagine if the media catches you sneaking in and out of my apartment block, they'd have a field day!"

I raised an eyebrow at him, and he laughed at me. "That wouldn't be so bad!"


"What? You're single, the media can say what they want, I'm sure you'll set the record straight. If not, give them the Toto treatment."

I baulked at the mention of his name and fought to hide a grin. "Ah, I'm not exactly single, Lew..."

"You naughty girl! Who is it!"

As he stared at me, I could feel a blush spread from the cheeks all the way down my neck. "I can't tell you."

"Come on! I thought we were friends!"


If he could snap his head up to look at me any faster, I swear it would fall off. "Really?"

"Yeah. Here," I fished my keys out from my pockets and handed him the spare I had. "I'll text you the address."


As it turns out, Lewis was in town for a few days to catch up with some mates before heading off to Brackley for more sim work. He'd run me through his schedule quickly, mentioning that it was typical for when there was a 2-week break between races. Toto had already shared his schedule with me, having managed to sneak in some time to spend with me in London, but I nodded and followed along while I finished my lunch.

Yes, Daddy | A Formula 1 Fan Fiction | Toto WolffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu