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how to get a therapist?
what is depression?
what is anxiety?
what is panic disorder?
what is PTSD?
what is submissive personality type?
how to know if i was sexually assaulted?
what is sexual assault?
what if i didn't say no but i didn't say yes?
how to recover memories?
how to not be sad?
what is SSRI?
prozac and suicidal thoughts?
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zoloft and PTSD?
zoloft and suicidal thoughts?
what antidepressant will make me stop wanting to die?
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how to cut?
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how to take blades out of a venus razor?
where to buy bleed control bandaids?
how to stop bleeding???!
how much pressure is enough to stop bleeding?
how much blood is too much blood?
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can i bring a diary to the psych ward?
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baker act what is?
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why do i still want to die?
how to hide cuts?
how to tell parents i relapsed?
how to always wear long pants but not be suspicious about it?
how to stop cutting?
how to be happy?
can i be happy?

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