"You ready?" Marie offers her hand, which I gratefully take.

"I'm not but then again. I don't really have a choice."

"If it'll help, I'll tell him you ate some bad chicken, so you don't have to lie."

"That'd be great, thank you."

I grab the pregnancy tests and shove them in Marie's clutch. We leave the room and go back outside where Graysons talking to his mother. When he spots me, he makes a quick getaway and comes straight to Marie and I.

Marie squeezes my hand to silently tell me that everything's going to be ok.

"There you are. I was starting to get worried." He says stopping in front of us. He pulls me into his embrace, rubbing my back. I hate how he can still comfort me even after hurting me so bad.

"She ate some bad chicken. I found her throwing it up. I think she needs to go home and get a good nights sleep."

He looks down at me and places a kiss on my nose. "Hm, no wonder your eyes are bloodshot. I'm sorry baby. Let me go say goodbye to everyone and I'll take you home." He looks to Marie "can you look after her?" She gives him a silent nod and pulls me back into her.

"If he hadn't been sleeping around with other woman. I'd definitely say he's in love with you... No wonder he's such a great business man, his acting deserves an Oscar!" I don't say anything, just enjoy her warm hug, dreading the moment I have to leave with my husband and be trapped with him in his apartment for the next twelve hours.

It takes him a while but eventually he makes his way back to us. "Alright, I've had my car pulled around so we can get going." He pulls me from Marie who I reluctantly let go.

She gives me a sad look as Grayson escorts me to his black Porsche. Opening the doors he helps me into the car and closes the door behind me. It's dark now. He makes his way around the car, gets in and we speed off into the night.

I listen the to sound of the car running along the gravel to try calm down my beating heart. It doesn't help when Grayson reaches for my hand, holding it within his own.

The drive lasted way too long. Maybe because I'm sitting next to the man, having a major panic attack it has slowed down time. For fuck sake. I can't do this. How has my life flipped like this. I was single living in a shitty apartment. Now I'm married but still technically single as this is a hoax and I'm pregnant along with being homeless.

I'm so grateful to Marie for allowing me to crash at her place. I don't know what I'd do without her and Ricky. They weren't mad at me for lying to them. Although it's possible they masked their anger due to the fact that I'd just found out my husband cheated on me and I'm pregnant.

"Honey, I can hear you overthinking from here. What's going on?" As soon as we make eye contact his eyes bore into mine, making me immediately feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

I shrug, "I guess I'm just nervous. What if the board still doesn't believe in our relationship? What if the wedding didn't work?" I know I'm speaking complete bull. But at least I can still think on my feet even after the intense day I've had.

His heart warming smile disgusts me. Why does he have to be attractive? Why do I have to love this sorry son of a bitch? But most of all, why did he have to go and break my heart?

"Oh don't worry about that. I think we were pretty convincing. But we'll find out soon enough." He brings our entwined hands up to his mouth and gives my hand a kiss.

I gulp. "Pull over."


"Pull over!" I yell. Quickly he pulls over to the side of the road. I open the door, lean out and puke. If he had been a second later, I would've thrown up in his car. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. He does deserve to have his pregnant wife's vomit all through the expensive interior of his luxurious car.

Grayson rubs my back "hey, it's going to be ok. That chicken really did a number on you." I hear the smirk at the end of his sentence but I decide against saying anything or else I'll burst into tears and most likely run off into the night, only to get murdered.

So my option is murder or sit in the car with him. Normally I'd choose murder, but since I'm now carrying a child I have to put them before myself.

"I'm fine, let's just go home."

He doesn't say any more, just turns on the car and continues driving in complete silence. He must've caught onto the fact that I'm not in the mood which I'm deeply grateful for.


We drive into the underground garage and we both get out of the car.

I don't wait for him, just go straight to the elevator and press the button. He comes up to me just as the doors open and we both step inside.

"You haven't said anything in a while? How are you holding up?"

I look at him and mutter a simple "fine."

He lets out an exasperated sigh, clearly knowing that I'm not telling him the full story but not willing to push me any further, understanding that if he did so, it'd be my breaking point.

I take off my heels and chuck them on the floor and walk upstairs to our shared bedroom. I go into the closet and hunt for my most unsexy, conservative pair of pjs. I settle on a pair of red flannel pyjama pants and a long sleeved oversized white tee.

After I've changed I go to the bathroom, take of my makeup and brush my teeth. My hairs the next thing to tackle. I begin searching to try find the bobby pins that are located all throughout my hair. Not to mention the pearls and flowers.

"Need some help?"

I see him through the reflection in the mirror. He's now discarded his suit jacket, leaving him in his button up and slacks. I eye his figure, leaning against the door frame, with his arms crossed.

Quickly I clear my throat. "Yes please." He straightens and pulls out a stool gesturing for me to sit. I do as I'm told sitting down and staring at my fingers as if they're some magnificent work of art. I mean my nails are so I guess that somewhat counts.

I feel his hands gently searching through my thick locks of auburn hair, hunting for the bobby pins. He creates organised piles on the countertop, one for pearls, one for flowers and one for bobby pins.

His hands laced through my hair feels so good I'm about to fall asleep right here. He chuckles "don't worry I think I'm almost done."

He pulls out one last bobby pin and places it on the counter. "Let's get you to bed." He grabs my arm, helping me up and guides me under the covers.
He pulls the duvet up to my chest and kissed my forehead. I watch him disappear into the closet and re-emerge a couple moments later only in a pair of pyjama pants.

He comes around the bed and slips in next to me. I attempt to move as far to the edge of the bed as subtly as possible. It fails when I feel his arms wrap around my torso and pulling me back into his chest.

"Why are you pulling away from me?" His hot breath tickles my ear.

"I just don't want to risk me throwing up on you."

He kisses my shoulder "don't worry baby. Just go to sleep."

I sigh, clearly I'm not getting out of this one. So I close my eyes and focus on his breathing to help me fall asleep.

Soon enough he'll find out that the board has kept him on as CEO and he won't even attempt to find me. I honestly don't plan on telling him unless he sees me when I'm showing and asks. I know I sound bad but if I can avoid him knowing and having a complicated relationship with him. I'm going too. He could take away my child. I don't know, maybe leave me in the dust so he can look after the baby with whoever he fucked in his office. Maybe that makes me a bad person but I don't give two shits. I can't risk it, he has more money and more power than me.

His Fake fiancé Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt