"Okay" he said walk downstairs with me still in his arms. "NOOOOOO" I whined thrashing around still trying to free myself. "You were supposed to let me go" I complained "why do you have to be so tall, if you were Mexican you'd be like 5'6" at most" he chuckled at that statement.

   We made it down stairs and I was still struggling. "I'm getting tired of this let me go" "no you'll kill her" he said while he grabbed my phone. He saw the picture and laughed. "This is it?" "Yeah" I said pouting. "Ok promise me you'll spare her life" he said. "Okay I will" I promised "now can you let me go" He finally put me down.

I put my hand out motioning for him to give me my phone. He placed it in my hand and I checked the time "ITS ALREADY 6:00 PM!" "YOURE KIDDING" he said checking his own phone. "how long did we sleep?" I asked. "About 8 hours" he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

   "I feel gross" I said "I should shower." Riki agreed as we both went up to freshen up.

                                    Nani's POV

   I got out of the shower and moisturized my face and body. I picked out some dark brown sweats and a light brown tight crop top. I usually like having my hair done so I put it in two low buns. I put on my crocs and went downstairs.

                                   Riki's POV

   When I finally got into my room I jumped on my bed and jumped up and down in excitement. Nani was finally warming up to me. I think. Im pretty sure she subconsciously likes me. I mean how couldn't she?

   After I calmed myself down I took a quick shower. I got out and brushed my hair. Then I put on some black sweats and a black t-shirt. I put on some fuzzy socks and made my way downstairs.

                                   Nani's POV

   When I got downstairs Bella and Konon were cleaning up the table where they had clearly eaten onigiri.... without me.

   I glared at Bella as she swallowed the last piece of riceball in her mouth. "Sorry" she said with a nervous smile "we didn't know you guys were awake"

   I took a deep breath. "It's fine. I'll find something else to eat" I was looking through the cabinets for something to cook when a whine interrupted my focus. "Aww man" said Riki "you guys ate onigiri without me"

   I couldn't help but laugh a little. He looked so cute in his oversized clothes and with pouty lips, but his tall figure made him look very attractive. I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks and realized I had been staring. "Sorry I didn't mean to stare" I explained "you just look really good in all black." He started to choke on air and I immediately went to get him water as Isabella screamed. I handed him the water bottle and he immediately chugged half of it. "Thanks" he said "and sorry you just caught me off guard." Me and Konon chuckled while Bella was still in shock.

   "I can't find anything to cook" I complained. I was getting really hungry and I knew Riki was too. "We can just order takeout" he said. "Yeah that seems like a better idea then starving" I said. Konon interrupted "takeout usually takes forever though. You guys might faint from the hunger if you wait that long." Riki nodded in agreement "maybe we should just go pick it up ourselves." "With what driver" said Konon. "We could take an Uber" I proposed. "Yeah that seems good" said Riki "let me put on some actual shoes and we can leave" "okay me too" I said.

   We both went into our rooms to get ready. I put on my brown converse and some jewelry. I put on  simple gold studs and a necklace that said 'lopez' then I put mascara on my lashes and highlighter in the inner corner of my eyes. Now I don't look like I just woke up from a 8 hour "nap".

   I went downstairs and saw Riki waiting with his same all black fit except he had an open black zip up hoodie and black jordans.

   "Okay I'm ready" I said when I got down. Riki looked at me and smiled. "Okay let's go" he said.

   We were walking out when he grabbed me by my arm. "Are you not taking a sweater?" he questioned. "No I don't think I'll need one" I responded. "Wait here" he said before he ran up the stairs.

   After a few minutes he came down with a dark brown hoodie. "Here put this on" he said as he handed me the hoodie. "Thanks" I said as I nervously put it on. It felt safe, I didn't know if it was because of its warmth or Riki's scent on it. "Away Ah kawaii" he mumbled under his breath. I blushed and nervously said "okay we can go now."

   He had already called the Uber and when we went outside we saw a grey Toyota RAV4 waiting for us.

Me and Riki sat in the back seat of the car. Riki had already put in our destination when he ordered the Uber so we barely had to speak to the driver.

   We had been driving for a few minutes when I felt a brush against my hand. I looked away from my phone to see a nervous Riki looking at our hands centimeters away from each other. I laughed at the adorable red blush on his cheeks. I offered my hand and he shyly took it. I looked back at him and saw a small smile on his face.

   "You remind me of me and my wife" said the voice from the front seat. I felt the heat rush into my cheeks. The man continued "we were high school sweethearts too, she was always so confident and I was shy and nervous." I smiled hearing the story. "So how long have you been together?" asked the man. "Umm" how long had we been together? Were we even together? I didn't feel like explaining the whole situation so I just said "not long." Riki nodded in agreement.

   "How'd you guys meet?" asked the driver. "Through our parents" answered Riki though his response sounded more like a question. "Oh really" chuckled the man "we had to hide our relationship from our parents. You guys are lucky." "Yeah" I said in a kind of annoyed tone. Riki looked at me and his smile dropped. "Actually we're not really together" he said "at least not in the normal way. The driver looked confused. "What do you mean?" he questioned. "Well we're married" Riki said slowly as if he were scared to make me mad "arranged marriage." "Oh" the man was clearly shocked "well im sorry I didn't mean to be rude." I felt bad so I reassured him "you weren't rude at all. I know seeing 15 year olds married isn't the most normal thing." I tried to laugh it off.

   I saw the man relax a bit as he smiled back at me. "Well young love is still the best" he said "I hope you can find it in each other." That was the last thing he said to us, and we had arrived at our destination. We got off the car and bowed to him before leaving.

   I saw Riki a little tense so I grabbed his hand and told him "come on let's look for food I'm starving." He smiled and ran with me to a food stand.

                                    Riki's POV

   We walked around and found all kinds of snacks. It probably wasn't the healthiest choice but Nani was having fun and eating, for me that's all that mattered.

   We were stuffed and sitting on bench watching a fountain. She really is amazed by little things. I checked my phone and it was already 10:00 pm. "Hey Nani" I said. She turned her head towards me "mhm" "maybe we should head back home." I said "it's getting late." She sat up straight and laughed "it's only 10:00. Can we stay a bit longer please" she asked while looking at me with big eyes. "I don't know if we should. We were only supposed to come to get takeout" I said. "Oh come on I know you're not tired" she said rolling her eyes "let's pull an all nighter. Stay up all night with me?" She said offering her hand.


Sorry for not updating I feel so bad. I've been working on this for months so I hope it doesn't suck. I'll try to put out the next chapter soon.

Also sorry for the cliff hanger 😅

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